The problem with being one of those people who show up once a year for memorial, is that you validate the false beliefs of JW's. You confirm for them that they are right, and you are a pathetic loser who isn't strong enough to follow the right path as set forth by the Governing Body. I've been there and seen it. Trust me, you're a part of conversation after the "ritual" is over. They sit around later that night, mocking and deriding you, while at the same time thumping their chests about how spiritual they are, as evidenced by their Society stats.
I go because my family respectfully and kindly(albeit persistently) asks if I will go to this one meeting with them. I don't care if it validates anyone elses beliefs or not. I'm not there for them, I'm there for my family and my family alone. I don't believe in it anymore, I don't accept it anymore but I can keep peace in the family be attending this one meeting a year. In time, they may give up asking, but like Mary said, if this one thing makes them happy, why not?
So the "real" christians talk shit about me after I leave? Who cares? They'd talk shit about me if I wasn't there too. They talk shit about me anyway.
Going to the memorial for me is the same as attending the baptism of my bosses child at the Catholic church. But I don't accept Catholicism. Should I not go to this service because it would validate their false beliefs? No, I'm going because I was asked to attend this one special service.
As I mentioned in my earlier post, one can use this occassion as a means to show the congregation that we aren't some miserable and guilt-ridden lost soul. You can show them a well-adjusted, happy person who is getting on with life just fine without them. They may not utter it out loud but it will stick in their mind. They'll wonder, "how can he be so happy outside of the organization". Instead of putting the funny money in the contribution box, it would leave more of an impression among the rank and file if all faders showed up happy, smiling and showing them that life outside of the organization has been good, not miserable as they've been taught that it would be.