Welcome Abadette
Introducing: my daughter!!!!!!
by Abaddon 33 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Abadette
Enjoy your trip to visit your dad! Richie is the best and funniest teen I know - but most likely asleep just now! You are a lucky girl to know it is all a load of bull at yoru age - unfortunately I still believed it long after I left home at 16 to escape it. Thanks to this board I am free of most of the crap, but 16 would've been better.
Hi and Welcome to the board!
My daughter is here on the board, Lucifer, she is 18!
Hi to everyone and thanks for this mail! Whos this Ritchie your talking about he sounds cool does anyone know his address? By the way get back to me on the subject of :How [edit] tempting is is to drink the wine and eat the biscuits at a memorial remember THIS IS A DARE!!!!
Hey Abadette,
This is sure that next year I go to the memorial (I work tonight) and drink the wine and shout : Amen Jebus and Jehobah, AMEN !
You can come with me if you behave well :P
Joff -
Hi Abbadette! Welcome to the board!
Welcome, Abadette! My son is in his 20s too so no teens here either. You sound like you have your head on straight. Go get 'em, girl!
Golly, is it the Memorial tonight?!
Mercy me, I have trained my parents well, they didn't even hint once it would be nice nice if I took Biba to the Memorial... they must have realised a refusal often offends
Richie is a rather daring young man still 'in' for a variety of reasons, but is not letting that stop him posting top secret elder info he found on the internet for everyone to see (for example).
Hello, Abbadette! Welcome to Apostate Central! LOL! I am so glad that you are so smart to have seen thru it.........I did too, but, felt pressured to stay and make my mom happy.........I have no kids, but, there are lots of cool people your age on here.........RR tops my list! Terri
Good morning Abaddon, and Abbadette!
My youngest son is 18 yrs, he's a funny kid, he leds a double life, goes to meetings, (he's the only one in our family who does)
and has worldly girl friends. He's not Baptized, and he's on the "myspace" site all the time.If I find his myspace address I'll give it to you, any way nice to meet you, and have a good visit with your Papa.