SIGH! So much for 'moving on', eh, *A*? Peace to you!
Winston... may you have peace. Dear one, I don't consider myself to be the 'brightest' crayon in the box, but it would appear to ME... that... logically... if YOU could truly know what Jim Jones were inclined to 'probably' say... it is YOU that would be most likely to imitate his conduct... yes? For it would lend itself to the two of you having similar 'minds'... yes? Personally, though, I wouldn't have the FAINTEST idea as to what Jim Jones would THINK... let alone SAY... and yet even DO... were he in MY shoes... YOUR shoes... or his own shoes.
(Oh, and isn't there something 'wrong' with using TWO names... I mean, like "Shelby" and "Phoebe"... or "Winston" and "DWilt"? No? Heck, I didn't think so, either.)
CountryJoe... "may you have peace"... and may you come to remove yourself from 'straining out gnats, while gulping down camels', which appears to be the case here as you 'missed' my 'usual' greeting for peace, as you entirely missed my wish for undeserved kindness and mercy.
The REASON the 'bb' gun scared me, dear one, is because I am a black woman... and my son is a black man. And the gun LOOKED like a 9mm Glock. And all I could see was my son and his friends somewhere shooting 'innocently', but having some nervous neighbor/cop/busybody mistake its real appearance... and him becoming somebody's 'accident'. While I understand that some here might decry my feelings based on their VERY limited knowledge of what REALLY goes on the real 'world', I KNOW that world I exist in, which might be VERY different from yours and some others... and personally couldn't reconcile the risk... with a few hours of adolescent 'entertainment'.
Detective... peace to you. In response to your question of "where does Shelby post" (though, my Lord KNOWS I can't imagine why anyone would care, but...)
H20, and one other forum, the name/location of which I can't remember (it was very brief, anyway)
Every Now and Again... and From Time to Time
Eden 2 Outpost
Newlight 2
And another forum recently shown me by kes, but only briefly and I can't remember the name/location of that one, either. kes? Wanna help a sista' out?
Logical... peace to you, dear one... always and until time indefinite...
Okidok... may you have peace... and may you 'come new', cause that one's been asked... and answered.
Jonjon... dear one... peace to you... and if you think that's what I meant... well, then, perhaps that explains why you call yourself 'jonjon'... and not Jon... or John... or some other non-adolescent, kind of name...
Ballistic... may you have peace and may I ask... what 'issues'?
Let's see... who'd I miss... ah, yes... dear Amazing, my 'brother' in Christ by means of an 'anointing'. Yes, I can just FEEL all that 'love among ourselves' flowing from ya. Peace, dear one... and 'right back at 'cha'!
Once again making an attempt at 'moving on'...
A slave of Christ,