My daughter from California called me and said my Grand daughter from Arkansa called her and no longer wants to be a JW, that she is a pot head and has a boy friend and wants to be emancipated and to top it all off she wanted to talk to her grand paw (me). In her words, "I don't want to be a Jehovah's Witness and put up with that shit. I don't beleive that shit." The only thing is she is 16. She said she knew I use to send cards with money in them but her Dad who is an elder used to throw them away without letting her and sister read the cards or have the money and to top things off both her Mom ( my daughter)and Dad talk bad about everyday and keeps saying I killed their Grand Maw. My wife had caner of the hip and they replaced her hip a year earlier and then in September 2000 she was taken to the hospital and died 6 days later from thrombocytopenia which is a rare blood disorder you can get from taking antibotics and different medications. I made arrangements with the onoclologist and hemotologist to place her on a kidney machine,to give her blood fractions because she was a JW and would not consent to whole blood, but the day before she slipped into a coma she agreed to sign a consent form for whole blood.The doctor said they would give whole blood but that it was in their opinion a day late and a dollar short.It was, she died two days later.I DAed 2 monthslater. Now I'm a murderer and I became a warlock and worship Satan.Wow, can you beleive that, and I haven't spoke to my G-Ds in over 5 years. I love her dearly but I am at lost for words. How would you handle it if your grand child called. What would you say.? I will not be responding to any comments so thanks for your advise in advance. Dan
advise: I just got a call
by rekless 15 Replies latest jw friends
I would say.. tread carefully, sounds like your grand daughter is 'troubled' and is turning to you because she views you as a rebel and that you will support her cause.
You might find yourself rejected once again.
That does sound very black, I hope that is not the case and you can re-establish relationships with your family and this is the door in. It sounds like you've had a tough time of it, and I hope it goes the way you want it to!
Well simply i would say, take the next opportunity to speak to her whenever its possible.
wow rekless .. can i start breathing again now
Forget about the JW 'he's a murdra crap' .. you know that's bs. so who gives a fart what zombies think. It's great news the girl wants contact. When it comes down to it blood is always thicker than water (blood fractions even? excuse the pun). Pot? well.. nobody's perfect.. lol. I wouldn't know what to say either (great help eh). I think I'd just trust the love and avoid saying anything negative about the JW's (show your bigger than that).
I'm so jealous that you're a grandpop!
drew sagan
PoppyR has given some good advice. You must choose the path carefully, allways taking the higher ground. Anything done hastily will appear as if there are "demonic" forces at work.
truth about the last days
I should not worry too much, now that she is 16. Here in the U.K. when you are 16, the person is no longer a minor- even though they may be still with their parents. It may come to it that she may leave home and stay with you. But, when you do meet with her, show to her that you are really an ordinary person and not a rebel. It is just that you have made up your mind up that you no longer want to be a JW. And tell her why from the logical infomation that you got over the years why you do not want to be a JW. From where i come from, it is breaking the law if someone interfers with the postage system. Her parents could be arrested for "stealing" her mail and throwing it away. I do not know how the law affects you where you live. It could be one reason why she feels the way that she does at this time. And as a 16yr old, she decides now as to what she wants to do with her life. You could mention to her that what we have not been told is recorded in 2 Thess 2, a prophecy recorded where there will be a "falling away" (KJV not from NWT). Which means that many from the regular meeting goers will dwindle for one reason or another over the next few years. The scriptures from 2 Thess 2 also says while the few remaining ones who will still go to the meetings when Jesus arrives for that 1000YR reign will be destroyed by Jesus for still sticking to lies from what they have been taught. Teach her from what you know, the truths like 587/586BCE and not 607BCE, ect. When she goes back to her parents, she can show her parents from what you have taught her. She may even come back to you for more info. And as a final note, to her it will be your word against the parents in relation to your wifes death. If you have got any records of what had happened to your wife, show her the evidence. Such as paperwork from the hospital or doctors. Then she will know the truth an impart it to her parents. If you still believe in the ressurection, you can also mention this to her. I wish you all the best over the long term outcome.
We have a problematic Grandson as well. Situation is different, his mother is not a JW and there was a few other things I'd rather not go into. If you end up getting invovled, as it looks like you will whether you want to or not, then my best advise is as follows.
Back the parents authority with a few reservations. The child is 16, in most jurisdictions that means that the parents are both responsible for them and have authority over them unless they do become emancipated legally. Remind the young lady that her parents love her, support her monetarily, and have a right to her compliance with their authority for at least two more years. Tell her that they are doing what they think is right, not just going on a power trip, and she needs to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Two years isn't all that long to wait as it seems. Tell her that if she has not already been baptised, then don't let her parents pressure her into getting baptised since that will allow her to leave the organization without penalty later on if that is her desire.
Tell her that the most important thing right now is to concentrate on getting her education and STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! Tell her that you love her, but that the road you see her going down will lead to nothing but trouble and you don't think it best for her. She probably won't listen to you. But at least you will be giving her good advise that not even the JWs can fault. That is my opinion, you may see it differently.
Sorry to hear about it friend.
Froscher -
Cabin in the woods
That would be much more important than speaking at this point.
Bring her to you if you have that in your heart. Explaining of ccourse that you have rules, the are fair and they must be honored.
Perhaps offering to help her to secure counseling whether she goes to you or not.
Lastly explain to her who and what you are just the way that you did in your post.
There is never any definites when dealing with teens but who knows. Finally talking to someone logical after all of those years of JW logic might help her to get her head on straight.
How would you handle it if your grand child called. What would you say.?
Just tell her that you love her and answer any questions she has!
My dad was demonized by the witnesses for being apostate. When I looked him up finally and pursued a relationship with him, it was extremely important that he was a good listener.
Also it took a long time for me to be sure I could trust him and that he wasn't evil afterall. Last time I saw him I was 4, finally phoned him when I was 19.
Good Luck with your relationship.