Does that mean you can use the force?
not yet but lets see next 2 min
by z 26 Replies latest jw friends
Does that mean you can use the force?
not yet but lets see next 2 min
~Do-be-do-be-do~? Z where are you? I've got to go to bed ya know. I have to work tonight.
lol...well can you force my mum to give me some cash?
today we have nice one about f***** time 17c
well can you force my mum to give me some cash?
KW13 I think that he could give your mom a call. He can say that he's a messenger of Jehovah's (witness discussion board). And tell her that Jehovah said to give you some money.
congratz on your next post!
lol...well can you force my mum to give me some cash?
GIVE HIM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ here I'm BIG J heheheh Z
here I'm BIG J
You don't know the power of the dark side.
did u see the magic I'm Jedi so what next?