If you didn't go to the Memorial last night, what did you do?

by Victorian sky 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MerryMagdalene

    I was home with the stomach flu which is still preferable to a memorial at the KH


  • AuSet

    I took two phone calls from my d/f'd sisters, which went something like this:

    (sis #1) : Hey, its memorial!! (all excited). Are you getting ready??

    me: No.

    sis: Well, I'm getting ready. I was wondering, do you remember, when you were d/f'd, if you could touch the plate and glass? Cause I don't know if I'm allowed to touch it or not. I'm really freaking out about this. Plus, I don't want to get there at exactly 7pm and all the seats will be taken, so I won't have to talk to anyone, like I usually do. I should try to get there a little early. What do you think about touching the plate?

    me: who cares, how would they stop you anyway? There's always wackos drinking the bread and wine who aren't "supposed" to, the elders will be too fixated on them to worry about you. I can't believe this. (feeling nauseous at this point.)

    Immediately after hanging up the phone, sis #2 calls.

    sis #2: Hi, its memorial! Are you going?

    me: No, I haven't gone in about ten years. I really don't remember the last time I went. I'd rather be physically tortured than go.

    sis #2: Well, grandma called me to invite me. I'm not going, it would be too awkward not talking to anyone.

    me: Good for you, I wish you could knock some sense into sis#1.

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Merry, sorry you were sick, hope you're better now.

    AuSet, that's awful, that conversation with your sister #1. The fact that she has to ask if she's good enough to touch the damn plate should ring a bell in her mind that, gee maybe this group has no love whatsoever let alone the love Jesus has.

    This is our third memorial missed. First year, sorry to say, I lied about not going, second year, in laws try to guilt trip us into going (that didn't work, we went to Easter service instead!) This year my mom invited us, we said, no thank you. After the memorial mom says to me in a sad voice, 'I missed you at the memoial, sorry you weren't there,'. I said 'I'm not sorry.' Wish I had said to her - I love you but I cannot be a part of a cold, unloving, blood guilty religion. Aw well, there's always next year, then we'll invite her to Easter!

  • geevee

    Had a nice roast beef dinner and then watched TV with the family, and ate some chocolate easter eggs!!!! Yum, the best ever....

  • AuSet

    Victorian Sky,

    I sometimes wonder how much humiliation my sister will let the JWs pile on her before she would realize the truth. She seems to think she deserves every bit of this punishment. When I suggest otherwise to her she becomes enraged at me for interfering with her belief system. I just want to scream at her, Its NOT a freaking belief system, it is an abusive, destructive cult that has destroyed our family!!

    I've been on this board a long time, but try not to post to much because I get so enraged at the system, and feel impotent to change my family.

  • Rzach

    Waited to get a Vampire character approved for use in a online chat RPG.

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