Dr Gene Scott on a Rampage - YouTube Video

by VM44 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    Found this over at YouTube, Dr Gene Scott on a rampage because someone wrote in about his asking for money.

    Mad Doctor


    This ranting was actually broadcast over television!

    Was Rutherford ever this bad?

    Download the video from these links




  • daystar

    I've got a friend who loved to watch him simply because he was such a rascal.


    I always loved to watch Dr. Gene Scott. He died about a year ago. His wife is now leading the teaching. She's not a bad preacher herself.

    I liked the fact that Scott never took crap from anyone.

  • james_woods

    Remember when he would tell everybody to "get on the phones and pledge"?

    Then, if the phones were not ringing, he would just dump that straw hat in his chair and they would play music with just a picture of his hat on the air.

    No use wasting good preaching time on slackers that won't pay the freight for those show horses...and cuban cigars...

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    What a character he was....smart as a whip scripturally, but he could sure have a mean streak in him. He mellowed over the past few years.

  • Hellrider

    Lol, funny video, but what an A§§HOLE. Extremely psychopathic character: He was all over that poor person who wrote the letter, because he felt that his his territory, his personal little contribution of slaves and moneycontributers, were threatened (or his ownership over them). And by the way, how in the world can a preacher get away with using that many F-words? Guys like that are no better than the JWs. I just can`t understand how any idiot can sit and watch some guy like that on the TV, and actually buy into that crap.

  • ballistic

    god almighty - did anyone actually listen to this guy or pay him money???

  • What-A-Coincidence

    godam! now that is talk I can remember...he must have studied the TMS Guidebook very well.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I used to watch Gene Scott all the time.

    He would say that "Preachers that say they want your prayers and not your money are liars, if you send me your money I know i have your prayers." He would then say, "What am I going to do with your money? That's none of your goddamn business!" I miss him.

    He knew it was a racket and was honest about it. He thought that people who were entertained or received any benefit from his preaching should be happy to pay for it. Public Broadcasting in the US is no different. If you like the program send in your money.

  • anewme

    Cute old rascal????

    I didnt think so, not as a young girl.

    I could not believe he asked us all to be quiet and watch his race horses go round and round the tracks while he made money on the winnings or lost.

    But then again our t.v. in those days didnt get very many channels and sometimes he was the only thing on.

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