Ever go back to a meeting "just for fun"?

by WLG 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    I'd rather...........

    change the air in my tires.

  • daystar

    Naw, it wouldn't be any fun. It would just be frustrating. I'd spend the entire time split between wanting to run around slapping them all in the hopes of knocking some sense into them and wanting to seduce the hot sisters, but not because it would be, you know, evil and stuff.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I went a couple of times

    • In 1990 I went back. It was 5 years since I had been DFed. Thought I was going to try to enlist again. One meeting and I was outta there.
    • I went to an CA with a girlfriend around 1995. She was bowled over. Thought everyone dressed alike in the WT clothes. This was once I was no longer a believer. In fact she was the one who asked me the question (which I don't remember) that got my brain working again. It was interesting to see how robotic everyone was. And how scripted everything was from the platform. Mostly I was stunned at how luxurious the hall was. The one they used before I left was an older building which used to be a dance hall and it looked it. This new one was like going from a barn to palace. As we left we "placed" the remainder of the cards (about a 100 of them) all around the parking lot.
    • The third time was in Winnipeg. I think at that point I was just curious. I was bored out of my mind and don't think I even stayed through the talk.
    • Then I went to an DC with a friend. She was curious and I had a mission. I took a stack of business cards with me with info about silentlambs. We sat through one talk and were really bored. So in the intermission we wander through the arena dropping silentlamb cards. I wanted a copy og the book released (first time I saw the new paperback books). She got some books as well. But when she saw I had some she returned hers saying her mother got some already. Sneaky person she is - she added a silentlamb card to the books she returned.
    • The last time I went I also took silentlamb cards with me. I deposited those in the washroom, on the back of the toilet seats and on the counters. Then made a hasty retreat out the door.

    I have also made a couple of outdoor visits to halls in Winnipeg.

    • One was to place toy lambs and an info sheet about silentlambs at every hall in the city and took pictures.
    • The second was to one particular hall where they had just moved an accused child molester. He had been at one hall where the abuse allegedly occured. Their solution to the abuse was simply to send him to another hall. I sat outside the hall and watched as a lot of kids entered building. And as we know no one would have been warned about tthis pedophile. So once everyone was inside, I wandered through the parking lot placing silentlamb flyers on cars and in cars that had a window opened a crack. The flyer informed them they had a pedophile in the hall.

    I think my hall-visiting days are over. I just cant' escape too fast in the wheelchair.

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