I'm going to the meeting on Sunday, I'm over 1000 miles away from anyone who knows me and I have a goattee, what do I do? I'm planning to be a naive "interested one" with hard questions.
OK, OK, I'm doin it!!!! I need questions!
by WLG 28 Replies latest jw friends
You show them, I'm sure you will bring them down... They have only been around for 129 years, been waiting for you to show them the light.
Be careful that you don't use "theocratic" vocabulary words. Let them set the tone and the subject in general. Practice with someone before you go.
Practice looks of incredulousness and doubtfulness. Pause to "think". Have a phrase or two that you can repeat like, "That doesn't sound right to me."
As for questions... "Hmmmm.... (pause)... Where in the Bible does it specifically say that?"
Or, "I saw this program on Dateline a couple years ago. Is it true that at headquarters there are over 23,000 files of abusers?" If someone has seen that show, ask them why the whistle-blowers were kicked out of the church.
Mention to them you are from the area where CT Russell's grave is located (I forgot the place's name). Tell them you've seen it, and it is a pyramid marker. If they don't believe you, tell them they can see pictures of it themselves online if they google for it.
I hope you have fun!!!
It's easy to fit in WLG - all you have to say is what they want to hear.
Most JWs are used to newbies 'asking dumb questions' but goodluck in sewing some seeds of doubt.
If it was the Last Days back in the 1920's and the last minutes back in the 1970's how many seconds left before the big A?
I would start out by warning them that you know your Bible pretty well. Might tell them about your aunt having a little red book years ago about living forever (they'll feel all warm and snuggly inside).
Ask questions about the Memorial (sure to be mentioned by someone during the meeting or prayer). When they get to the part about the emblems, ask whether they bring enough for all the people in attendance to get some.
Be ready to raise eyebrows. Express amazement that they don't want to get resurrected, that you never heard of a Christian church where the members didn't want to get resurrected. (John 6:53, 54, 58)
When they try to explain, nod with puzzlement. Ask them to show you where the Bible says later on some of Christ's disciples would not eat the body and drink the blood.
You are in for a rare treat if you pull this one off. It isn't in the Bible, they just celebrated it, none of them partook...closer question is: So if you don't eat and drink, are you going to get resurrected in the Lord's day? If they say yes, ask them why John 6 says they won't unless the eat and drink. You know, friendly and not arguing. Just a cautious stranger approaching a cult for the first time.
I bet the elders have never run into this line of questioning.
AuldSoul -
You show them, I'm sure you will bring them down... They have only been around for 129 years, been waiting for you to show them the light.
Yea, like that is the point.
For 30 years I was afraid to ask them questions, now if I want to have a little fun with it...why not? They won't know anything more than someone has some really good questions...and the usual "maybe we can get a bible study out of it". The point is to maybe go once on my terms...see if it does anything for me. -
I'd try and ask something from the current watchtower. Something they don't have an off the shelf answer for. And purposely use words other than those infused with double-speak theocratise / pre loaded language.
For example you could ask to be shown "where in the Garden of Eden story does it mention Satan?"
Keep the goatie and dont wear meeting clothes. Wear some jeans, casual shoes and a tee shirt. Dont bring any literature or a New World Translation. Bring a King James Verson. Maybe tell them you got on this site to learn about JW maybe they will go home and check it out and get out of the org. Good Luck!!!!!
Please Please if you can take a recorder so we all can listen to their assinine answers. Thanks if at all possible.