Just think about it, everything you never needed to know about the Bible on one eaisly disposable compact disc! Get yours for only one baptism!
WT 2005 CDrom
by PoppyR 30 Replies latest jw friends
What do you do if all you have is Windows 98 at home and Windows 2000 at work? That download program doesn't seem to work with them?
Sorry blondie but windows '98 is an obsolete system (has been for several years)
Time to update I guess......we keep talking about it, guess it is time.
I wished it would be so easy to get the German edition...
Dear Blondie: My old windows '98 finally gave up the ghost about 6 weeks ago. I don't know about k/mart or whatever over there but I have a very cheap computer here now bought on layby. It's brand new and cost just $650. It has CD/DVD burner, usb ports, 40 GB hard drive and 256 memory - not tremendous memory but it works well. It didn't have a floppy disk drive (I paid $65 to have that added). It came fully loaded with Windows XP operating system and open office software 2.0 (which in any case is downloadable free from open office .org).
Windows '98 became obsolete when microsoft stopped supplying upgrades. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. The goodnews is about openoffice.org by sunsystems .. "writer" looks like word feels like word etc.. I think Linux even have a free operating system (which, like openoffice, is better than microsoft in many respects - e.g: it's far less prone to virus's and other net nasties).
I don't know if any of this is of help.
All the best, unc.
LOL - watchtower publications™ are bad for your health alright ..can't stomach 'em, can't read 'em, can't smoke 'em!
I think differently. You can smoke the New World Translation!! Start with proverbs though to gain wisdom.
I think differently. You can smoke the New World Translation!! Start with proverbs though to gain wisdom.
LOL....I never thought you could suck at the teet of cosmic truth through the NWT, but maybe I was wrong....
I think differently. You can smoke the New World Translation!! Start with proverbs though to gain wisdom
You have a point KW. I think the newer translations are printed with soy based ink unlike my old 1970's lead ink model.
In PNG we were forbiden to give away watchtower literature. I think the higher-ups didn't like to see the natives smok'n watchtower. I was once witnessing™ to an old man and as I was talking he slowly removed a small bible from his trouser pocket, opened it, ripped a page out of leviticus and rolled himself a smoke. I was a bit shocked at first but then thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen.
LOL....I never thought you could suck at the teet of cosmic truth through the NWT, but maybe I was wrong....
No no its dangerous but if your an advanced smoker, ya'know you can handle it.
In PNG we were forbiden to give away watchtower literature. I think the higher-ups didn't like to see the natives smok'n watchtower. I was ;once witnessing™ to an old man and as I was talking he slowly removed a small bible from his trouser pocket, opened it, ripped a page out of leviticus and rolled himself a smoke. ;I was a bit shocked at first but then thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. ;
Actually my Grandma gave me a bible that was her mothers and believe me it SMELLS of Cigs and also after something like hebrews, pages are gone. Either in those days it wasn't finished or my Great Grandma ran out of cig paper!!