stem cell research and testings

by Cabin in the woods 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    I am trying to find out how and where I can become involved in a stem cell research program. I have 8 different conditions that all hail from defective auto immune system and am getting sicker as time goes by. If anyone know where or how to get in touch I will follow through immediately. Traveling is possible. Long term stay is also I have good insurance. I have spent hours trying to find info on different types of trials myself but can not seem to get there in time. Slots are all taken or the trial has been dropped.

    Thank you for reading this.


  • rebel8

    Hi Mary. I am too.....go to There is tons of info about stem cell research there and a list of the studies open to participation, along with info on how to apply. :) PS-The President has restricted stem cell research in our country & it appears he will not lift his restrictions while he's still in office. You might want to check into international studies. (In this country, research is not paid by insurance unless the treatment is a current standard of care. It is usually paid for by grants instead. FYI)

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods


    Thank you so much, I will do that today. Great info!


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    There are two centres in the UK at the forefront of stem cell research that I know of. They are at Newcastle Universtity and Edinburgh University. Since the South Korean research was involved in scandal the UK is at the forefront of stem cell research and I believe these two centres have licenses for all embryonic and umbilical research. Both centres have recently received multi-million pound grants to fund their research. It's just a problem that they aren't in the US and would mean the cost of travel and accomodation if your offer of clinical trial was taken up.

    All the best with your condition. I hope everything works out ok for you.

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    New Worldly Translation,

    You have a pm.


  • metatron

    If you haven't done so already, I strongly recommend that you investigate anti-inflammatory foods and supplements. Inflammation is

    emerging as the initial cause of nearly all disease , such as cancer, heart trouble, arthritis and auto immune conditions. To get a disease

    advancing, something has to trigger an inflammatory response - so if you can impede that, you've got something! Even aging is emerging

    as involving inflammation, as shown by genetic expression studies.

    Investigate: fish oil, flax seed ( not just the oil, the seeds contain lignans that fight cancer), tryptophan, curcumin, and others.

    I had irritable bowel syndrome and largely cured it with supplements, meditation ( against stress) and large daily doses of freshly

    ground flax seed , eaten like a breakfast cereal.


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    That's very interesting Metatron. Do you have links to any articles for further reading on the subject of inflammation as a cause of disease?

    I also have a friend who has severe irratable bowel syndrome and also a family history of Crohns disease which she is worried about. New findings like that could be useful.

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Metatron, this is very interesting as my inflammation level in my blood testing is very high. Just thought it was the lupus.

    Yes, please post links for us on the site as I really want to follow through on this.

    I think that there are a lot of us who are suffering from things that this could help.


  • metatron



    ( also read the connected article on "turmeric" - I hope you like curry!)


    If those links don't work, do a search on google for "nutrition and inflammation" and spend a few hours researching all the drugs

    and foods and supplements that fight against inflammation. If you can stop the inflammation from happening, the disease

    can't take place because it has 'no place to go' or nothing to 'attach' to!


  • SickofLies

    I know some people in my department that are working with stem cells, but I don't know if they are offering any clinical trials. Thats a very tough call, your best bet is to go to a few university clinics and ask if there are any clinical tests going on right now for whatever your condition is. You have to keep in mind even if someone is working on a project that relates to your illness you might have something that disqualifies you to be included as a test subject.

    I attend McMater University which is considered one of the best teaching hospitals in the world, if you send me your diagnosis in a PM I'll run a check on our servers to see if any trials are being conducted in your area. I wouldn't hold out any high hopes though.

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