Just thought I would share

by lola28 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    What a crappy morning I'm having. First I over slept I was reading CoC till one in the morning and woke up late, then I decided to walk to work, it's only a 15 min. walk. As I'm half way to my office it begins to rain, really hard. I don't have a jacket a sweater, nothing. I get soaked. My top is wet and I'm cold. And to top everything off I'm meeting with the elders on Sunday morning, yup it figures it would rain on me.


  • SickofLies


    Don't forget to record the meeting!

  • KW13

    ah Sorry to hear

  • Elsewhere
    it begins to rain, really hard. I don't have a jacket a sweater, nothing. I get soaked. My top is wet and I'm cold.

    Oh my, this sounds like the beginning of a "Dear Penthouse" letter.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    My top is wet and I'm cold

  • lola28
    Oh my, this sounds like the beginning of a "Dear Penthouse" letter

    Let me just say that if I had been wearing a white top I would have given a free show to all my clients.


  • lilybird

    Well..just think.. if everything has been going so wrong..it can't get worse.. It can only get better.. Sorry to hear you have to put up with the elder egos on the weekend.. but on the positive side.. it will be a positive step towards taking your life back ..to freedom... Hope the rest of your day brightens up..They are forcasting sun on weekend here.. Hopefully you have sunshine in your part of the world..

  • Elsewhere

    I've read my fare share of "Dear Penthouse" letters and I have *never* seen a situation where it looked like one might actually come true! Thank you Lola for giving me hope again!

  • lola28
    Thank you Lola for giving me hope again

    Ummm, ok glad I could help. Seriously tho I'm really, really cold and my top is still soaked


  • Elsewhere
    Ummm, ok glad I could help. Seriously tho I'm really, really cold and my top is still soaked

    Awwwww (((( Lola ))))

    **** Trying really really hard not to get turned on why hugging Lola in a cold wet shirt. ***

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