Especially the rare steak's not blood, but "juice".
Couldn't you just say, "Hey, I'm not getting a blood transfusion! I'm just getting a little "juiced up"! ?
I thought that was really odd too. My buddy tells me she would die before having a blood transfusion. Yet, when I asked this farm girl who was going to butcher her beef cows "kosher-style", she looked at me like I lost my mind. Isn't eating meat that has not been properly bled, EATING BLOOD? Her response?: "No, no, no....You just don't understand. Much of the blood drains off, even in today's butchering practices, and the rest "cooks" away."
My response?: "Don't the Orthodox Jews still practice the laws of Leviticus? They meticulously bleed the meat? Soak it, even, to make sure all of the blood is out as best they can? Why do they STILL do that, if today's butchering practices are good enough? ....By the way, do you happen to know how Orthodox Jews feel about blood transfusions?"
No response.
Such is the saga of my unanswered questions. They told me they have all the answers. They told me they would always be honest. They told me they would always point me to the Bible. No "man-written" books.
Thus far, I have a library full of pamphlets and books written by men. More questions as a result. And I had to ASK several times, before they would get me a Bible (NWT), which costs me $5.
See why I called myself "Whyizit"????