I know there's bigger news

by cyd0099 45 Replies latest social relationships

  • cyd0099


    I met up with friends in our favorite bar after "the talk" last night. I mixed my alcohol and gave myself a dozy of a headache this morning.

    No plans to do that again any time soon.

    It was just dip in the bottle to dull the immeadiate pain. I'm used to dealing with my sadness in a sober way.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    "Time heals all wounds".... corney, maybe, but there's a reason that it's an "old" saying...it's TRUTH.

    You've been cut (ouch), you're just now putting the bandage on. It'll be sore for awile, but in just a "few" weeks there will barely be a scar. A thought will pass through your confident self asking "what the h*ll was I so upset about....life's good".

    or maybe >>

  • GoingGoingGone


    That's sad... no fun.... But you've gotten lots of good suggestions.

    And good for you for posting this! So what if there's bigger news in the world... In your world, this is the biggest news right now! And we're here to help. And to cyber hug.


  • rebel8

    (( ))

  • SickofLies

    Sorry dude, that sucks!

  • collegegirl21

    I'm sorry hon. Things work out in the weirdest ways, this was for the best. Hang in there hon! *hug*

  • Gretchen956

    Cyd I'm sorry to hear about the break-up. Tough times. Hang in there, it gets better. Keeping busy helps, but someone to talk to is better. Therapy does help with issues, exJW ones or whatever else. Good luck to you!


  • cyd0099

    The bright side to all this is if I'm still single this summer I will be free to go to the Fourth of July Aposta-whoop-te-doo up here in my neck of the woods.

    Providing it's still on...

  • Carmel

    sorry big fella! Take it from one who grows em, there's plenty of fishies in the sea! Whots this about a 4th of J postafest?


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Cyd,

    I am sorry! (((HUGS!!))) I hope things get better for you soon!


    Lady Liberty

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