JW urban legends

by Highlander 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander

    I remember very few of the details, of when, where and exactly what took place, however a few years ago I was told the story about three elders that were walking together and the middle

    elder was struck and killed by lightning. The other two elders went to his house to help out his wife and discovered 'apostate' material in their home. This very stupid story circulated

    amongst midwest congregations and everyone attributed the lightning strike to Jehovah 'taking care of business'. Now, not for a second do I believe any of that story, but I was amazed

    at how much faith the local witnesses could put into an urban legend.

    Did any of you hear this story or a similiar one?

    I do have a second one that I witnessed myself, but am amazed at what the local witnesses felt was the cause.

    In the midwest at the district convention,, I witnessed our local elder have a anxiety attack or breakdown about 2 minutes into his 'talk'

    He had to leave the stage and the back-up speaker took over. The reality is, this elder had a drinking problem, a depression problem and who knows how many other problems.

    After that 'talk' he slowly faded away. Many of my family members to this day believe that this elder was a bad person and that jehovah caused this anxiety attack as a way to

    'cleanse the congregation' or 'take care of business' Not for a second do I believe that either,, he merely had an anxiety attack from personal problems.

    My question is,, what off the wall, strange JW urban legends have you heard where j-dubs feel that jehovah directly intervened such as my two examples.

  • blondie


    Here are some urban legends courtesy Randy Watters and Free Minds.


  • zagor

    I remember about 10 years ago this couple for Eastern Europe came to our congregation. We invited them for a dinner and they've told us that very thing. Isn't that strange?

  • Highlander


    About 10 years ago is when I first heard the lightning strike legend.

  • zagor

    Just spoken to my mom over the phone she said that "experience" apparently came from Russia and that appostate elder was actually government's spy and was preparing to hand them all over to KGB so when "brothers" came to his house or searched his pockets (she couldn't remember which) they've found the list of names of all witnoids and some KGB documents "apparently"

  • buffalosrfree

    I heard an urban legend from my wife, she told me that the GB actually loves the R&F (heh heh) what a load of crap, or the other one about the elders caring, really caring for the flock.

    Sounds to me that the lightning striking legend is a pile of horse s**t, If it were even a little bit true, New York would be the lightning capital of the world from having all those reading that apostate literature there in Bethell.

    I Remember in the early 90's sisters and brothers, especially pioneers, circulating copies of so called "miracle happening" from Jehovah where he protected them, etc. etc.

    When sitting around jdubs talking about this nonsense, it reminds me of being in the military and a guy well this story is no bull s**t, this really happened, then everybody around there would roll their eyes but were ever ready to be entertained by another story (lies).

    Jdubs love it when they think someone is a bad fruit and has something happen to them, they hate to see you leave and be successful. Oh well the hell with them.

  • theinfamousone

    i loved smurfs, until they told me they were demonic and they would run around halls... that was traumatizing to an eight year old... i had a giant one in my basement and was scared shitless of the thing...

    the infamous one

  • aoxo

    i heard one a coupld of years before a left. some brother for some reason was at a UN meeting and approached someone of importance and asked when the government conspiracy against religion was going to take place and the UN guy was like "how did you know that"? everyone in the cong. was getting worked up about it and were thinking that armageddon was about to come true.

  • aoxo

    i remember that smurfs thing. i wasn't allowed to watch the smurfs either because it supposedly meant "little devils" in some other language. also, does anyone remember HeMan cartoon? i wasn't allowed to watch that either because he always said "i have the power" and only Jehovah has the power. i missed a lot of good episodes because of that...

  • zagor

    i heard one a coupld of years before a left. some brother for some reason was at a UN meeting and approached someone of importance and asked when the government conspiracy against religion was going to take place and the UN guy was like "how did you know that"? everyone in the cong. was getting worked up about it and were thinking that armageddon was about to come true.

    Can't believe I've heard that one too, and these same people I mentioned earlier also told their version of it. It is like someone in WTBS hierarchy deliberately spreads those rumors to keep flock focused

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