Some buddies went to China, and took their two beautiful children with them. As they mentioned nothing about the missionary work, and because they were always pretty cool, I'm assuming they went there because it's the only place on earth that people wanting to fade can do so with no consequences. Still if they are there on the preach I wouldn't want them getting hurt.
To Snitch or Not To Snitch and HOW?
by Inquisitor 36 Replies latest jw friends
Inq, I'm surprised at your thinking. Very un-Australian. I've known missionaries - they were kind. One of our Aussie posters was once a missionary. You could be turning these people in for torture, long term imprisonment or the death penalty. How would you have felt if someone had done that to you when you were a JW?
I say leave 'em be. They are misled WT clones like we were in the past.
Bad karma, too. Also bad Feng Shui. Not as bad as bad mooshu pork, but bad.
the answer to your question is not snitch. actually the answer is that it is up to you, but from these posts it appears that you would not have much support here. and as you say, PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, it isn't because of them we advise you not to; it is because of our concern for you...a snitch is not a desirable title to strive for.
Penny2, Is there such a thing as an Australian thought or an un-Australian one?? I have never adopted the view that one could assign geographical borders to a pattern of thoughts.
"Un-Australian" is such a horrid, meaningless, yet potently suggestive word. It's a term that rolls off the oiled tongues of our politicians, with little thought but with very pregnant intent of inciting an all-censoring nationalistic pride. I trust that isn't your intent here on JWD.
What is un-Australian? Chow Mein and beef vindaloo? Baseball? The push for an Australian Republic? A die-hard devotion to the Simpsons? Letting genuine refugees into this country? Releasing refugee children from detention camps into the general population? If I hold a fancy for such things/philosophies in life would I not be Aussie enough for your tastes? If so, to be Australian also means to be undemocratic does it not, Penny2?
But, enough of that, why don't we play along with your terminology for a moment. For the sake of argument, let's suppose my thoughts are un-Australian: please explain how you resolve that with the concept of "a battler" - a most Australian notion.
Is the overwhelming desire to be "a battler" against the oppressive system that is the Watchtower Society, un-Australian?
If not, then how are my thoughts un-Australian?INQ
Isn't snitching what JWs do to each other?
We must take the moral high ground here, and everywhere else.
just2sheep and all
Thank you for sharing your views with me. I can see why you would choose not to tell on the missionaries if you were in my shoes. And I appreciate you guys for tryingto set me straight. I assure you I'm not a heartless b**tard. I'm just a little frustrated that the WTS gets to have a field day, sending out willing pawns to toy with people's lives and minds. What I've suggested shows a complete disregard for the lives of those missionaries (if indeed the Chinese governement dares execute foreign nationals on such grounds). But can you not see it is a means to an end?
Honestly, do you think anything we do now, whether it is writing up a blog or sending phoney checks or videocamming JWs will reach people in lands where JW activity is banned? Don't get me wrong, these are brilliant counter-strategies where we live, but in countries where JWs are unheard of?
Aren't we perpetually "picking up the pieces" where these people are concerned? We don't do anything till the JWs have had a go at them?? Does that not frustrate you all?
I don't see why you must stumble at the term. If you happened upon a terrorist's plans, what do you do? Tell on them right?
What do you call that if not "snitching"?
Can we work with concepts here and not pick at words? For the love of God...
It's not the term used that I take issue with, it is your idea.
Let's think about this.
Worst case scenario: missionaries are put in prison (and I assume Chinese prisons are NOT exactly the Ritz-Carlton!) and possible sentenced to death. Either way, the Missionaries, and every other JW (thanks to the inevitable feature article in Witchpower and Asleep!) has their persectuion complex verified. The cult's grip gets tighter.
Best case scenario: missionaries are kicked out and sent home. They, and every other JW (thanks to the inevitable feature article in Witchpower and Asleep!) has their persectuion complex verified. The cult's grip gets tighter.
IMO, sounds like a bad idea.