Fri. was the day after the full moon. I wasn't going to go out since I was going to my sister's b-day party Sat., but I just really wanted to get out. It had been a long week and tax season was finally, finally over.
So I got to the bar a bit early and hung out with the employees. I took it easy on the cerveza and just hung out. I saw a girl I know at the bar with her boyfriend and I walk over and say "hi" to both of them. I sit down on the other side of the boyfriend from the girl. She starts text-messaging me "hey QT" and stuff like that... again, while I'm sitting right next to her boyfriend. Oh, this gal is an ex-JW, BTW. If you happen to be on here, T, reading this. Sorry, but as long as you're dating J, you and I are going nowhere. Yes, I'm attracted to you, etc. but I just don't play like that.
Ok, so after a while, more people show up and I go play some pool with a couple of guys. While I am trying to play pool, this girl T is texting me, wondering where I went. ("Behind you girl! :)") I start getting texts from another girl, that I used to date. She hints that she should let me go because I probably am sitting with some chick. I tell her that I'm not. Yet another girl I know starts texting me saying she'll be up there after she gets off work at 1:00a. She's been kind of pursuing me as well. Ok... This goes on for a while and I finally put a stop to it by saying to all that I'm going somewhere else. The guys and I decide to split.
One of the guys has to leave and change shirts and come back. So I close my tab and wait. While I'm waiting, I think about it and decide to stay after all. No reason other than I thought I'd like to stick around where I know more people. So I do.
My friend... we'll call her Sara, walks in. She's 48 and a bit of a hippy chick. We're pretty good friends. She's like therapy to me sometimes and is always talking me up to other girls or trying to set me up. So we sit at the bar and start chit-chatting.
Ok, so I'm finally to the good part. I'm sitting with Sara and we both see these two blondes walk to the right of the bar. They then start to walk behind us and we both hear them say they don't know anyone there. So Sara and I look at each other, both turn around and introduce ourselves to them. You know "See, now you know someone, so you can stay!"
I buy them both drinks. We chat with them for a bit and I start sizing them up. They're sisters. The younger one is a year or two older than I am, long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, nice tan, great smile, very friendly. She says "You're very nice," and sounded kind of surprised. I don't really know what that's about, but she started giving me signs of interest.
They see a guy on the other side of the bar that they apparently know. I look over and it's this biker I know from a local club. He's a decent guy. She explains that they know him because their dad is the president of a local biker club! Well, maybe it's not that big of a deal to some. But I'm not exactly a guy that hangs out in biker circles. I've met a few and talked to a few, but we typically don't have much in common to talk about.
It's near last call, so after a bit, I go and sit next to the girl and we talk for a bit. The girl T is still there with her bf. My friend Sara is there. The girl who was going to be there after 1:00a shows up (I go say hi to her, give her a hug.) I can sense eyes on me.
The biker chick and I are talking and moving closer and closer to one another. And then, the bedroom eyes take over. We kiss briefly. I get a text from Sara "Oh no you didn't!" "Oh yes I did!" I respond.
I ask her where they are going after. She's non-commital at first, but after a bit says that I am to follow them to her sister's house. I spend the night. It's really, really good... (And I discover that she has no tattoos.)
She text-messages me several times over the weekend and calls trying to see me again. I play it cool. I had other things to do anyway. I could possibly see her during the week sometime. But it's hard since we're both single parents (her son is 12).
So, this girl seems really nice and I think she's very attractive. I don't see us discussing the finer aspects of the fall of Western civilization. But, I at least know she has good spelling and grammar.
But, of course I have reservations. I know there is no thing as perfection. Perhaps we could discuss the finer aspects of the fall of Western civ. I don't know her very well yet. What warning signs should I look for guys and gals? She made a point of saying she doesn't drink or smoke often, which is good, unless she was just trying to convince me. Maybe she feels a bit insecure since we met at a bar... etc... I'll be honest that it's not my preferred method for meeting someone, and certainly not, you know, having a sleepover the first time we meet. But I'll admit that this is the first girl I've met in over five years that I actually feel excited about. But I know I can't let that be a point that blinds me.
So, suggestions on how I might proceed?