I overdosed On Friday night!!

by Sparkplug 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    On cough syrup stuff.

    Ok, here is what happened:

    My youngest got really sick and gave it to my son and myself. So the sickness makes your throat raw and you are feverish and ache a lot. Well I found some antibiotics that we had and seeing that we had taken her to the doctors and she got antibiotics...he and I proceeded to take our "bootleg" ones.

    I had gone to the store and purchased juice and noodle soup...all the good stuff and prepared to be down and out for the weekend. I had stayed up thru the night several nights this week trying to make it to deadlines with my work accomplished. SO, I was ALREADY tired and a bit knocked off schedule.

    Well as the Friday went on, everyone started to feel a bit better. The antibiotics were working by Saturday morning and I figured if we keep taking our medicine we would be fine by Monday. Everyone is getting better, but me. I got this drunk feeling. I thought that maybe the medicine was strong on my system seeing with the sore throat I had not eaten much.

    Yesterday I really started to question how hard I have been pushing myself, because I could not fall asleep on Saturday, and worked again all night. Strange thing is, I was not tired...hmmm. With that thought, I pushed harder and thought to myself, "Hey, while you have the energy, take advantage..."

    I guess my reasoning was off because I really was all over the place like I had just taken mind altering drugs. I know I stayed up all night, trying to finish taxes, but it is all a mess today. So I took no more medicine last night. I thought that I was having a reaction and should stop.


    I came home early from work because I really was not in my right mind and as I pulled stuff out of my back pocket, I found these cough strips I had been taking for my throat. I tore open one an as I placed it on my tounge, like I had so many times this weekend... I realized that these were not the same as cough drops....THEY WERE A FULL DOSE OF MEDICINE EACH.

    OMGI had been popping them like they were cherry cough drops. So finally 'Tired" kicked S'tupids' a$$, and I slept a bit...TODAY. I had been awake, just like I was a meth addict, since Saturday morning. When I woke up just now, I could feel my face again. The world was not such a happy floaty place, and my taxes are not as rosey as I redu them...

    Note to ALL: They are not cough strips...read the package! They are cough medicine. lol I am glad it was me and not the kids.

  • candidlynuts

    i'd send an emial to the company and complain.

    they need to make the packageing more clear so that people know its not cough drop type medication. (you'd probably get a coupon for a free pack LOL)

    hope your all feeling better.. get some sleep!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Wow Sparky, I'm glad you're ok! I hope your cold/flu is passing.

    For that sore throat you might try hot water with lemon and honey.



  • damselfly

    You nut!! I held my breath as I clicked that post!! Glad you're ok now.

    That happened to me last year, I thought I was supposed to take my cold and flu pills every 4 hrs when I had picked up a pack that was only taken once a day!! I didn't sleep for two nights and my heart raced like crazy. Always read the insert is what I learned that week. LOL


  • daystar

    OMG!! Glad you figured it out and you're okay.

    Yeah, those things aren't like the Listerine breath strips.

  • daystar


    If they're the things I'm thinking about, the packaging is pretty clear. But you have to actually read it.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Wow Sparkplug, I wondered what was coming there!

    I am glad you're ok now

  • Scully

    It's kind of funny how we'll read the instructions on something we're giving to our kids ... but when it's for us... we kind of forget?

    Glad you're ok Sparky. Must have been scary, especially when you reviewed your Income Tax stuff.

  • candidlynuts

    spark.. whatever you do.. save the packaging , you might need it in a few months to show the IRS worker when you explain your return during your audit lol

  • Sparkplug


    If they're the things I'm thinking about, the packaging is pretty clear. But you have to actually read it.

    Daystar...that is not even right...lol (But you are absolutely right)

    And to all the rest, thanks for the concern and giggling. It is true I usually really read medicine if it is in a pill type bottle. Especially for the kids. But I did wonder why they wrapped them so dang tight. I thought it was because of the stickiness of cough drops. Well now I know. One good thing is I had given the kids one when we bought them, and they hated the taste, I thought they were not that bad. So I was a'poppin' them.

    LMAO, I have to go into work tomorrow and explain why I was running on hyper speed with the mouth and yet had no saliva. It was really comical now. Yeah, NOW.

    OMG and I talked to some friends from out of town and I must have seemed so stoned. I even know a few here I talked to, and I was JUSTA' TALKIN. LMFAO. What a DORK!

    ******walking away feeling sillly really******

    reduing taxes...

    have final exam tonight in US Constitution...Glad I thawed out!

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