Poll: How many people are being shunned?

by MsMcDucket 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I was shunned by other JW family when I was an active, believing JW.........when someone takes a personal dislike to another JW, they can always seem to find a "scriptural" reason to "mark" you and shun you. They and their friends were the only ones doing so; not the elder body or the rank and file. Aint family grand!


  • rwagoner

    Count me among the shunned....Mother & Father are still in...Grandparents and Great Grandmother were in but all dead now....

  • nomoreTRUTHplz

    You know I find it funny when it comes to something like doing their civic duty and serving on a jury the dubs love to use the bible in their defense quoting how we are not to judge others yet they judge each other constantly. As it was mentioned even when you are "in" you are in danger of being "marked" as "bad association".

  • Frog

    hi MsMcD...I often think of your & your daughters, cos I know how tough it is on you, and fully understand from personal experience.

    Being shunned the hardcorest by my eldest sister & her husband (such a hateful man he is )...and also by my ma, and my other sister, but not quite as hardcore, still get the occassional txt and short chat on the phone...it does get easier though, and I've been surprised as to how many who I never thought would ever but have come around to seeing things my way. so hang in there ma, it won't last forever :) much luv frog x

  • wombat

    My three children, aged 35, 33 and 28, are all successful popular adults.

    They shun their JW cousins.

    Their JW cousins are slowly becoming the losers as more and more leave.

    Personally I shun all JWs apart from immediate family.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I don't have any jw relatives, but most of my former close friends in the wts now shun me. I knew what to expect when I left, so I'm not devastated by this, but I do miss some of them. I don't miss any of them enough to ever consider going back though. I live in the hope that some of them will follow me out.

  • valkyrie

    OzziePost said:

    I don't get shunned by friends because i've realised I never had any!! To a dub a friend is merely an associate or acquaintance.

    Same here. Unfortunately, that is my situation after spending the first 27 years of my life as a super-dedicated, by-the-book (i.e., no worldly friends, no outside interests/activities, no external network) JW.

  • Honesty

    I never would have met the hundreds of people that know me as one of their close friends if the WATCHTOWER did not have the shunning doctrine to 'help' those who leave return to their group.

    Dear Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Thankyou for helping me find true friends who love me unconditionally.

    I hope you find friends like mine one day, too.

    Bob Evans

    Walland, TN.

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