by dvw 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dvw

    hi, all

    has the wts. ever made any announcements to the r/f concerning the un. involvement? is it common knowledge in the cong's? in other words, do the regular jdubs have any idea that this occured? ive been out for several years and am not up on local stuff.

  • candidlynuts

    the presiding overseer father in law of my older child said that it was an apostate lie about 2 years ago.

    i really dont think any formal announcment has been made.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The WTB&TS relies on the ignorance of its membership.

    Many, probably MOST local edlers have no understanding of what happened. Some just reflexively LIE when asked, saying that the whole affair is an apostate invention.

    If you call Bethel, however, they will not deny that it happened. They'll tell you that for about ten years the Watchtower whored herself out in exchange for a LIBRARY CARD.

    Yes, that is their "official excuse." They did it so that that they could use the UN Library. Read all about it here: http://www.randytv.com/secret/fordecades.htm

    Unfortunately, the UN does not support them in this lie. The UN explains that association was never required to gain admission to the UN library. Furthermore, the WTB&TS is located in NEW YORK CITY, home of one of the greatest Public Libraries in the world. What did the UN library have that the NYPL did not have? The British edition of Penthouse magazine, perhaps?

    As with all liars, it is easy to tell when the WTB&TS is lying: their lips are moving.

  • Nathan Natas
  • What-A-Coincidence

    I had read somewhere that the bethelite who headed the un scandal apologized in his Kingdom Hall (Brooklyn Heights) This KH has 3-4 members of the GB.

  • Woodsman

    Thanks to me everyone in my old hall knows. It is the public reason why I left. I still meet JWs who don't know though. Even though it is true, it is so shocking to JWs that elders counsel JWs not to tell other ones. Some congregations have spoke about the issue openly, of course without all the facts.

  • whyamihere

    Funny, my uncle is Ciro Aulicino.


  • caeomas

    wrestling with the darkness is easy

  • heathen

    yah I like the way they make that sound , once we found out that remaining a member required an oath of loyalty to the UN they then resigned .LMAO Yah and how did they find out? Us evil apostates were having a field day with it because all you had to do was visit the UN site and look under NGO to find the truth. ROTFLMAO I have a copy of the document that has to be signed and it clearly says " must show support for the UN charter mandate to be an NGO". What a bunch of shmucks . Most j-dubs would be booted for any association with any organization for any reason even if it was to use the swimming pool at the YMCA .

  • yaddayadda

    "I had read somewhere that the bethelite who headed the un scandal apologized in his Kingdom Hall (Brooklyn Heights) This KH has 3-4 members of the GB."

    REALLY? That is interesting. Can you findout who it was? I doubt this is true somehow.

    Bet he never got reproved huh? How come the Joe Blow publisher can't just stand up in front of the congregation and apologise for getting drunk, having a cigarette, or fondling his girlfriends norty bits, yet pricks like Ciro Aulicino who decided it was ok to join the UN don't even get so much as a slap on the hand for what is, by the Society's own definition, rank apostasy. Rank hypocrites.

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