If a spouse has been unfaithful and a legal divorce has been finalized is the marriage over in the church's eyes? I've been told by the elders that I must witness the adultry or provide two witnesses that can speak to the adultry. My ex-spouse will never confess to his past or current sexual acts. We were married two months and he left for 13 then returned for 8 and left again. We have not seen each other in over 1 1/2 years. We were not married in the church nor is he a witness. What needs to occur to end the marrige according to JW views/standards? n Or am I free to date another witness?
by deda 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think that if you're a witness they'll hold you to the "two witness" rule. You're not free to remarry or even date someone else if you don't have "scriptural grounds."
What needs to occur to end the marrige according to JW views/standards? n Or am I free to date another witness?
What they told you is the normal procedure for this cult. They will never accept your divorce without their so-called "proof" of adultery. If you start dating again without their "approval", you will be
disfellowshipped. Now, I hate to be blunt, but why would you submit to the authority of a maniacal, mind-controlling cult that is trying to dictate to you how you can live your life? Do you honestly believe
that these "elders" have the authority to decide whether or not you have the right to a divorce from someone that cheated on you? Do you not see the insanity behind this????
Are you a witness in good standing? If you are you should be able to write a letter to the elders stating that your ex has committed adultery and will not come forward and confess, as he is not a witness.You can find the info on the watchtower library cd under adultery. If you are not in good standing, I am sorry but you will have to put yourself through some serious mind games to prove the adultery, because finding two "reputable" witnesses to the act is virtually impossible unless you actually have a picture of him in the act with someone else. Many people can be discredited if they are not jehovah's witnesses. What you need to ask yourself is, whose approval are you seeking? Jehovah's or the elders? Do you not think that God has seen what he has done and needs you to prove this? The only one you are accountable for on judgment day is yourself. If you know for a fact, I would just move on, or else you risk your mental stability in trying to prove someone elses wrongdoings.
I've been told by the elders that I must witness the adultry or provide two witnesses that can speak to the adultry.
'Scuse me.......but who the heck commits adultery (or pedophilia) in front of witnesses?
::I've been told by the elders that I must witness the adultry or provide two witnesses that can speak to the adultry. Same thing in my case too. I think that's the general rule even if it makes no sense.
A better question would be . . . How do I end my association with Jehovah's Witnesses? Once I do that just about all my other problems go away.
if you are legally divorced does it matter? you're not married anymore so you can date whomever you chose...they say you need witnesses to do it, but they know that no one is stupid enough to cheat in front of people, it is their way of making their religion seem good to outsiders...not as many divorces etc...do what you want it's your life not theirs
Deda - i sent you a pm about a friends very similar experience. I don't have high hopes for you. But I wish you luck.