what is dub?

by nomoreTRUTHplz 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreTRUTHplz

    I notice a lot of people on here refer to witnesses ad dubs or say they are exJdubs. I was wondering what that means.

  • RubaDub

    Funny you should ask ... someone just asked me the other day what "Rub a Dub" meant ...

    Rub a Dub

  • KW13

    dub is short for W

  • daystar

    As in dubya, Jay-Dubya, Jay-DoubleYew.

    Yo yo! JDizzle in da hizzle!!

    (I know, I'm like two years behind.)

  • schne_belly

    Jehovahs Witness= JW

    "Dub" is short for "W" so when some of us refer to Jehovahs Witnesses we say JW, or J-DUB

  • schne_belly

    LMAO @ Daystar

    Yo yo! JDizzle in da hizzle!!

    WORD TA YA' Motha--HA!

  • nomoreTRUTHplz

    ok thank you

  • OpenFireGlass

    Dub also can translate to: "A Copy"... Yeah, I'll dub that tape for you...

    so since most Dub's are the same, they are "a copy" of each other....

  • daystar

    Really, it's just because it quickly gets tiring typing "Jehovah's Witnesses" over and over, every day. JW or JDub or just Dub are not of themselves meant with any disrespect.

  • kid-A

    a quick JWD phrasebook:

    "dub" = term to describe a JW, emphasizing the "W" as in "dubya" (the bush analogy is purely accidental! LOL)

    "drone" = alternative term for an active JW

    "R+F" = refers to the JW "rank and file"

    "Borg" = description of the JW organization or "borganization", derived from the borg characters on Star Trek

    "Jehover; Jehoobie; Jeboobie...etc" = we all have our own little "twist" on how to pronounce "jehovah" lol

    "Kingdumb Hall" = the JW place of worship and propaganda dissemination

    "Kingdumb Melodies" = Describes the JW "hymn book"

    "Poztate" = describes us "evil" apostates! LOL

    "Aposta-Babe or Aposta-Chick" = Describes any number of the sexy, intelligent female apostate posters here on the board !!! (you know who you are !! )

    "Troll" = not unique to JWD, but usually refers to watchtower apologists who like hijacking threads here on JWD

    "the GB" = refers to a board of mostly senile old farts in control of the control and execution of watchtower "theology"

    "Fundy" = refers to religious fundamentalists who are identical to JWs in every way, but describe themselves with a different "label"...

    Hmmmmm, cant think of anymore....did I miss any?

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