Did you know them personally?
Dan Sydlik dies, the last of the moderating forces.
by SadElder 126 Replies latest jw friends
is dan sydlik still dead?
is dan sydlik still dead?
He's smiling down from heaven on this joke.
Did you know them personally?
Yes, I knew Dan and Marina, but Barbara and Joe Anderson knew them better.
is dan sydlik still dead?
Oh, he's directing things from heaven now. Once in awhile I sneak up to the top of the CN Tower and have a chat with him.
Dr jeckyll has a good point.
Of course he was personable and friendly with those toeing the line he had voted for.
Of course it is natural then for those he smiled and laughed and chatted with to like him.
But remember that the children under the care of Dr Mengeler came to like and even love him,Hoping like desperate puppies for his love. Even though he was experimenting on them - boiling the flesh off their bones, and bashing little boys on the head to see how long it would take to destroy their personality and render them disabled.
I cant remember if Mengeler was hanged after Nuremberg, but if there is a WT crimes trial, what would be the verdict on Sydlik and the results of his decisions?
Oh - I forgot to add for Reniaa -
The scalpel I apply to the WT was taught to me BY the WT. I learned its use by slicing up everybody elses beliefs EXCEPT my own.
I dont see why the WT or its followers have a problem with this thread.
The big irony is when you read a scripture IN CONTEXT and realise it does NOT mean what the WT says.
If you then quote the verse, a Witless will often accuse you of taking it out of context, if it doesn't back up the programming.
Sooooo, when are the rest of those ODB's checkin' out?
I have a hard time having sympathy. At least Ray wrote us a 400-page apology. That took guts.