I've noticed when I ask JWs questions, they keep handing me all kinds of booklets and encourage me to look in the Reasoning book. They do not answer my questions. And why do they NOT refer me to the Bible? Hand me a Bible???? Look it up in the Bible? Instead of these other books?
These are all books that men have written, that give their personal assumption of what these quotes mean, but in context of the Scripture, they often make no sense at all. It seems like some guy said, "Wow, this makes sense to me."...leafed through the Bible and then said, "Here's a Scripture that I can use to support it." Then expects the people he tells his idea to, to read HIS thoughts of how things are or should be, then quotes a Scripture to make it appear that God agrees with what he is saying, and never expects the people he tells this stuff to, to read the entire context and figure out that the Bible isn't talking about that in the quoted Scripture at all!
Say I'm a plant lover and wanted people to quit doing things to hurt the plants and ruin their environment. I could quote Bible Scriptures to support my ideas:
Jesus is the vine, God is the gardener. This proves that God loves plants! Jesus actually was a plant at one time. (John 15:1). God made plants before He made people (Gen. 1:11-12)! His original plan was for us to take care of them in a beautiful garden. (Gen. 2:15). There was one tree He made special and did not want the fruit plucked from. (Gen. 2:17) Then Eve did it! Not only that, she actually ATE the fruit! Thus, Jesus had to die on a tree, due to that sin. The tree of life still exists with God in His heavenly paradise (Rev. 2:7). If we believe in Jesus and protect all the plants as best we can, then maybe we can eat of it one day and live forever.
Now, if I have a group of sincere people who really love plants and are not very familiar with the Bible in the first place, I could really convice them of this, if I did the research. I know it is possible, because it is happening in many other areas. Clever men are convincing people of all kinds of things, claiming them to be Biblical and the only true way to God. Using this same process. They discourage them from reading or researching on their own...."Here, read this. (Only read the quoted Scripture, nothing around it. Lest you become confused, because Satan will try to throw you off, if you go out on your own trying to interpret this. Trust me!) Only I can help you understand, because you couldn't possibly figure this out without my literature."
When someone offers to study the Bible with me, I expect two, maybe three books to be on the table. Both of our Bibles, and maybe a Concordance. Nothing else. God wrote THE BOOK. He doesn't need help. He didn't get it wrong the first time. He didn't make it confusing. Why should we believe what anyone else has added to it? Doesn't the Bible warn us NOT to do that?
This is what I am seeing. I'm sure there are a lot of good intentions out there, but I've also heard what "road" is paved with good intentions, so .....
Has anyone else come to this same conclusion?