I have never met anyone like Dr. Phil McGraw! His combined talents and knowledge and personality are really fascinating to watch on his Dr. Phil show. He masterfully conducts interviews with the most dysfunctional people and families and assists them in a period of one hour to have some breakthroughs into their dillemmas. He is a life strategist alright of the highest order! And he's making his down to earth thinking available for all of us to see.
I have given alot of thought as to what Dr. Phil would say if I asked his advice about the disfellowshipping pain.
I know he would not want to get involved in religious debate or arguing. Im sure he has his own opinion and religion. But I think he would say if the religion is not working for you change the religion!
He'd probably cite the scripture of the lame young man who wanted to meet Jesus but the house was too full and so he entered through a whole in the roof.
There are many ways to find God. If you are not finding him at the KH then try another way. That is your right and your choice.
And he would say "Last time I looked at the Constitution it gave us freedom of religion in this country" and the audience would clap in agreement.
He might even caution us all about people who say they have THE TRUTH or "its my way or the highway"
He might tell us that these folks have a need to control others and some converts have the need to be controlled.
But for those born into the religion who want out and who are faced with severe discipline for doing so, he will have to tell them to plan some kind of support plan for themselves,a strategy, some relative not in the cult they could go and live with.
He will recommend ongoing counseling and gaining some employment so they can support themselves.
But as for the doubts and fears of Harmageddon and thoughts of uncertainty he could only tell you that the longer you are out of the cult and its influence the assimilation into society will get easier and fears of Gods anger will diminish.
Books to read on how cults work to enslave their members would no doubt be suggested.
I have kind of fantasized talking personally with Dr. Phil about this problem and have actually counselled and calmed myself in that mental reenactment.
I dont think it is Dr. Phils place to humiliate the Watchtower Society. And I dont look forward to him doing so and possibly hurt my relatives who are still in it who believe it with their whole heart.
But I trust he will approach this subject with his usual high intelligence and grace and say just the thing to help these hurting ones to get out of an org that they no longer believe in.
Are You In a Cult and Want Out?
by lonelysheep 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Maybe there are people who are in a cult like the JW's where those in control use theocratic warfare ™®© as a way to control the rank and file, but don't want to come on Dr Phil because of the baby chairs! :D lol They hope there's a little less patronizing way to tell our problems with others. :D
I am not a huge fan of Dr. Phil's. However, Mad TV does a great impersonation of him.
In a round about way this is related, Dr. Phil's mentor Oprah had as one of books of the month the book entitled "The Rapture of Canan". Since so many people follow Oprah like a leased puppy, a number of JWs read the book and I thought it was hysterical how many said that the book creeped them out, but no one would say way. A GF of mine whose story is same as mine, born JW, faded JW, said she thought they were creeped out because when they read the book they kept saying in their head, this is a cult, but so much of the book was like the JW life style if they voiced that, they would have to admit they were in a cult. Interesting concept.