never mind ... :)
The Origin-of-Life Foundation, Inc. The Secret $1,000,000 Prize
by Deputy Dog 72 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I'll listen to those worshipping their literal interpretation of accounts written by Bronze Age pastoralists (that modern science falsifies) chuntering on about abiogenesis with considerably more interest after they present a theory of abiogodesis that doesn't involve unprovable assertions (god is outside this Universe and the laws don't apply/god has always been here and had no beginning).
Without a theory to validate their own beliefs they act as if the lack of a definitive theory of abiogenesis actually means their beliefs are correct. It is idiotically simplistic thinking, and is identical in its validity to the beliefs held by those religionists who still worship rocks and put bones through their noses.
hooberus, you are accused by myself and others of using this board to try and get to those recovering from a cult before they have developed the thinking skills to see that you are merely another species of cultist on a recruitment drive, and now want moderator protection for your modus operandi. This is not an insult, it is demonstrable fact using your own posts.
By your endorsement of cult recruitment websites, you obviously support the vastly inflated salaries paid to their executives in comparison to comparable charities, and yet whilst supporting such profiteering using poor science and omission of facts as tools to deceive, you get snitty if your actions are referred to in the language they deserve. This is not an insult, it is demonstrable fact using your own posts.
Your morals are severely screwed up; shame on you. If selling drugs within so many yards of a school is wronger than selling it away from a school, your actions are clearly more contemptible than innocent debate as you have an active agenda targeting the vulnerable carried out in a locale of little direct relevance to your own life.
Call the disgusting thing by it's name I say.
Apparently Simpson disagreed.
Anyway, as I have stated before there are many diffent ways of defining evolution (I have listed several-including technical ones- in previous threads), and some evolutionists themselves have included the origin of life in it.Why should we leave our definition tied to that of one scientist (Gaylord from 1948) or even a very small minority, when the overall consensus, presently, among evolutionists is that abiogenesis and evolution are two distinct things? Because its the only way you think you can refute evolution? Yes, some proposed scenarios for abiogenesis incorporate natural selection as the mechanism by which lifeless matter may have been organized, stepwise, towards life. Remember though that the process of natural selection is distinct from the phenomenon of evolution itself. Likewise how lifeless matter may have been organized into a unit of life is distinctly different from the evolution of life from there on in.
Nice to see you here. I figured you might show up...
Referring my post to the moderator will not change the fact that you attempt to skim this website for newly freed JW's and bring them over to your way of thinking. This behavior is as repulsive as the door to door and other throat jamming activities of the Witnesses. Additionally, you post links to websites that intentionally deceive and mislead people in order to allow them to maintain their preexisting beliefs, or even sway people who do now know better. I do not retract a single letter of the post that you referred to the moderator, and whatever happens with my posting priviledges, it does not change the fact that you have been called for what you are...
We thought that after nobody came forth to claim the prize, the failure could be used to expose the shameful nakedness of the theory of evolution.
It could also be used to expose the shameful nakedness of the idea of creation.
I find it amazing that someone could actually believe that a supernatural entity which cannot be seen or heard or touch or measured in any way was responsible for life through the act of piling up some dirt and blowing on it. Now THAT is shameful.
There are also the snakes that walk upright and eat dirt, Unicorns and the Satyr.
"Thread referred to moderator"
LMAOROFL !!!! Oh krikies what a suckball you are hoobie!!! Are you gonna tell your mommie on us too?? Reminds me of that classic incident when "shining one" tried to report Tetrapod and myself to the moderators for using the term "goddamn" in our posts!!!
I love it !!!! LOL
Good to see you here too; now go to your room, you've been a naughty boy poor hooby-wooby got a boo-boo.
One of the most wonderful things about people of such a mindset is that they set themselves up to be ridiculed by their own actions. It's almost enough to restore one's faith in human nature.
Reminds me of weebles, those little egg-shaped toy people that don't fall over. It's not like the fact it keeps on popping back up no matter how hard it gets whacked means it is tough or smart; it's a senseless lump of plastic.
But, as has been pointed out, more people get a grounding in why Creationism is ignorant supersticious nonsense from threads like this than would otherwise happen. We could write posts about evolutionary biology all day that wouldn't appeal to those most in need of the information they contained.
Hooberus and those like him unwittingly provide fantastic opportunities to correct the misconceptions about and distortions of evolutionary biology such vulnerable ones have, as they are more likely to be attracted to threads defending what they have been conditioned to believe.
I firmly believe most realise through such discussions just how wrong and deceptive the arguments used by Creationists and ID-ots are. It's just a tad amusing that Creationists et. al don't realise the best thing they could do is avoid such discussions, as they are entirely counter-productive to their goals.
A recent article I came across that explains one step in understanding abiogenesis.
"Science against evolution"
Oh come on.... -
I love it DDog.Just get life started once. So who wants to be the millionare?