Has anyone else here heard about May 1st and what do you think about it?

by WildHorses 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I heard about this on the Hispanic channel the other night and looked it up just now and found this link. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1609256/posts

    They plan a one day boycott in which they will not spend one cent on that day. At first they were going to also miss work that day but as of last nights broadcast have changed their minds on that. They don't want to chance losing their jobs.

    Do you think they will have that much of an impact? From the few people I listened to, they believe that Americans are lazy and that if not for them many jobs would go unfilled. As I told my ex husband. It isn't that Americans are lazy, it's that the Hispanics have come in and done the jobs for far less money making it harder for us to get the wages we fought so hard for in the first place making that job less desirable.

    What are your thoughts on the matter if any?

    Edited to add: I do not think they should be considered criminals just because they are here illegally.

  • stillajwexelder

    In the long run they dio jobs Americans dont want - like picking fruit etc

  • What-A-Coincidence

    THE US did not do enough to protect the borders. How many million mexicans you got now? 12 Million? Now what? Kick them all out? Impossible I think. The other recourse is just to keep em here and close the border off. That way everyone is happy. If these commit a crime, deport em.

    Mexico should give the US funds to support them as well. The only reason they are here is because the mexican gov. is so corrupt. These have millions!!!

  • WildHorses

    I've picked fruit ie. Oranges, apples, cucumbers, and even primed tobacco. I've even worked in a chicken factory. If they wouldn't pay so little for such hard work I'd still do it.

  • looking_glass

    Really I think it is a catch 22. You have people who don't want to have to pay proper wages and proper insurance/taxes whatever, so they are willing to pay cash, but much less then would be normally pay. You have a group of people who are trying to "better" their lives but they have come into the country illegally and cannot get a proper job. Of course they are going to get dumped on as a people, right or wrong this is what happens to illegal workers for any country. However, there are laws that should be abided by on both sides. To the person who feels it is acceptable to take advantage of another human being - shame on them. To the person who is trying to circumvent the system and comes in illegally - shame on them.

    Listen I tried to get a working visa for Australia because I loved the country so much I never wanted to leave. They said to me, sorry chick, you got noth'n we want, come back if you become a teacher, nurse, etc. They did not want me and I did not want to try and stay in a country illegally. So I returned to the States. I could have gone back to school and gotten another degree, one that would have allowed me to possibly live in NSW like I wanted, but obviously I did not want it bad enough, so here I am A DUMB YANKEE, shaking my head at the prez and paying an ungodly amount in property taxes.

  • target

    They also do a lot of jobs Americans DO want but for a lot less money. Fast food, motels, even machine shops, construction, are all staffed with Mexicans who work for a lot less. The jobs they can't do are sent over seas.My daughter-in-law's mother has a severely retarded son and the only work she could do was cleaning. Now she cannot do that because the Mexicans do it for so much less. She has to live on what she gets for taking care of her son and that is poverty level. Look at how many trucks are driven by Mexicans and most have phoney ID and no real driver's license. When I lived in Phoenix, they were always running stop signs and red lights and driving drunk. Of course they have no insurance. And then there is the rapidly rising crime rate....

    This country is committing suicide.


  • JH

    Us Canadians, your neighbours to the north aren't troublesome like they are, hey....

  • looking_glass

    Listen, there's a high power atty that I know of that hires only illegal aliens in order to pay low wages. The guy runs a not-for-profit company and it is almost solely staffed w/ people who do not have green cards. The most interesting thing is that the atty also knew that some of these people had criminal backgrounds, but that was another way for him to have control over them. The most upsetting thing was that one person in particular had 3 DUIs (w/ one being pretty serious w/ injuries to the other party) and the atty got him off. Do I hold the illegal alien at greater responsibility then the rat of an atty. NO. I hold the atty who is making a lot of money thru his NFP; keeping this person as a slave because he knows his nutz are being kept by this atty and the court system for allowing the atty to use his connections to get the guy off of 3 DUIs all the while not being a citizen of the county. Let's not act like Americans are not making money off of this whole thing as well.

  • Buster

    The whole 'they work for less' arguement is circular.

    Let me cite two points:

    1. There was a time back in the day, maybe 5 to 10 years ago, when it was possible to see a house being built, and the roofers might just be Americans. We didn't mind putting shingles on rooves then. We just don't want to do it for $8.75 per hour.

    2. Remember when there was such a thing as a summer job for highschoolers? That was not all that long ago either. Businesses used to wait for the flood af cheap, available labor to get some stuff done. We don't hear so much of that anymore.

    We're giving too much of our economy, our country, and our culture away to people that we never wanted in the first place.

    Yeah, I'm certain the economy is going to miss all the gardeners and hotel maids skipping the annual May 1 retail splurge.

  • sammielee24

    The work will get done no matter what. Winemakers won't allow their crops to go bad and neither will anyone else. Hotels will still get cleaned and lawns will still get cut. If you make it illegal for employers to hire anyone without a valid SSN and fine them, put liens on their business or confiscate their equipment - they will stop hiring illegal workers. There is no point in debating on wether or not to send illegals home - it can't be done, so the best thing to do is pull a one/two punch and with the exception of every one that is a criminal (and those should be sent back immediately to their country), give them all amnesty while at the same time sealing up the border. I don't see a problem with conditions on amnesty as some have proposed either - such as mandatory English. I think a lot of time is wasted on the debate simply because you will never round up 12 million illegal people - and IMHO if the government had wanted to do anything about this, they would have done so a long time ago. sammieswife.

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