What Bible Characters Fascinated You?

by MissBehave 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissBehave
    And by awesome, I mean crazy

    I love that!

    I think from that guys name we get the modern word for Marshmallow.

  • Swan

    That talking snake. It's fascinating that a creature without vocal cords, or a mouth or tounge capable of forming complex sounds associated with meaningful language, or even much of a brain, could carry on a lucid conversation. How did he get to be so cunning? What made him the most cunning creature in the garden? Why not the fox? Or the fish who swam in schools? Who was there giving the animals in the garden aptitude and IQ tests? What rubrics were used in the assessment? Why are snakes of today so much less cunning? Was there a no snake left behind law back then or something?

    Oh, and that talking donkey too!


  • zagor

    David, He was a real person with all strengths and weeknesses you'd expect from a real person.

    and he was great with ladies - actually Solomon was great too in that reagrd at least

  • Leolaia

    Joseph. Two stories made me weep when I read them for the first time for myself in full.....the story of Joseph and his brothers in Genesis (especially the reunion at the end) and the story of Jesus in the gospel of John.

    Also...I just liked Jeremiah a lot. I liked the idea of this guy who pretty much was a social activist in his day, who was politically astute and fearless in his peaceful political protests yet unpopular, and who advocated a cautious sensible approach rather than the reckless path taken by the government....and whom history proved to be correct in hindsight. I think him and Baruch made a great team....

  • CountryGuy

    From when I was little I always liked the story of Joseph. I loved how he stayed faithful to God, not matter what.

    Then, there is the story of Peter. The best talk I ever heard at a Kingdumb Hall was about Peter and his betrayal of Jesus. There were many of us in the audience that were either in tears or close to it.


  • zagor

    In reality though I most admire Paul. His speach at Areopagus was a true masterpiece. It showes he was not only educated and cultured but possessed natural wisdom and intelligence.

  • delilah

    the characters that I was most fascinated with were those like Jezebel, Delilah,

    I hafta agree with you, I especially liked Delilah as well.Seriously, I liked Mary Magdalene...she was really devoted.( Didn't she and Jesus have something going on?)

  • whyamihere

    I liked Jezebel....I wanted to be just like her...I think I accomplished that goal.(with out the blue eye shadow)


  • lucifer

    Peter, he was always my favorite character, but I don't know why

  • daystar

    Sampson! Dude, he was like... He-Man and sh*t!

    And Solomon! He was filthy rich and like the wisest genius on earth. Plus, you know, he was all into magic and sh*t.

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