i havn't been to the kigdumb hall in 3.5 years and have no intention of ever going back. i have a collection of some of the rainbow books from da judge as well as da judges edited copies of 6 0f the 7 studies in the scripturs. should i get rid of them? could they be useful in the future(incriminating evidence). what should i do?
Get Rid Of Old WT Books?
by sawthelight 11 Replies latest jw friends
i've got rid of them all to help with psycological barriers. Other people keep them to remind them, it is up to you.
Dont keep them for financial reasons.
What I have left is the bible, studies in the scriptures (inriminating stuff) and (I dont know why) a song book -
It is starting to become well known that ex-jw's have more complete libararies than JW's do.
I myself cannot verify this, but enough rumors are circulating around, there must be some truth to it: JW's are out buying up old books for the express purpose of destroying them. Nothing converts Jw's faster than an in-person look at their 'heritage'. And well the GB knows this.
Your best bet in my humble opinion, is to either give your books to a trustworthy ex-jw; a cult-exit group; ot the local library. Books this old generally are kept in 'closed stacks', meaning they aren't checked out and so they should be reasonably secure there (tho offensive pages could be torn out) Placing the books for sale on ebay, or to a bookstore, means a greater risk of them falling into JW hands never to see the light of day again.
Or perhaps someone here could take them off of your hands!!!
As for me, when I had extra books, I donated them to Randy, who finds good homes for them.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
i've got 1 for and 1 against destroying the books. does anyone else have some insite?
I had all my old books boxed up and ready to dump. Then I started thinking along the same lines as dungbeetle. Many times I have done research in the bound volumes etc only to find out that "new light" had replaced their incriminating old lies. I then realized that my children will someday be a witness target (especially by aunts and cousins on their dad's side of the family), additionally my oldest daughter is 8 and still has faint memories about the hall and wants to know why we stopped going.. What better way to show my kids or any other targeted friend , the extent of lies, and contradictions than by having the original books. I do not want them to get to see only the whitewashed future version or CD Rom. So for now the books are still in boxes in the storage room. Sure they are not the first thing I would grab in case of a fire, ok not the second either. But for now they are staying out of the dumpster.
If I were you I would sell them. They are in great demand online. Go to Freeminds.org and see if Randy can tell you how to go about selling them.
The best thing would be to donate them to a charitable cause that would use them properly. Get in touch with Randy Watters at freeminds.org . Otherwise get in touch with me and we can make an arrangement.
We sold bunches of bound volumes and old books on Ebay. Made a bundle.
We were going to burn them, but were afraid that they would not catch fire (this is an old witness myth about "demonized" books LOL)
Ah, but they do burn very well. All of mine went into the fireplace shortly after I left back in the early 1970s.
i'm leaning towards leaving them in the boxes where they are know or donating. although maybe i could extort a few hundred $$ out of a local elder and get rid of them that way. i personally don't want the dam things, but i do see how they could be used to help some more people see the light. i think i'll give myself until sunday to make a final decision.