by cyber-sista 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cyber-sista

    Strange no one came this year. No elders, pioneers or anyone to invite me to the memorial. I didn't go to the last 2 being that I haven't been to the meetings now for a few years. I was a JW for 20+ years. I am not DFd,nor am I a gross sinner type, but they have totally cut off any communication with me. My JW sister and family won't communicate with me, neither do any of the close friends I had in the Org. But, I was surprised that the elders or anyone at least didn't made an attempt to invite me to the memorial (I only live a mile from the KH) Not that I would have gone. I think it shows their level of caring (not) for the flock. I thought they were supposed to contact the "inactive" ones and support those who are weak--blah, blah, blah.

    My daughter was at work the other day and approached by another young woman she knew when she was involved with the JWs. The young woman approached her tentatively and asked her if she was still a JW and my daugher told her "no" The girl said that she had been DFd not too long ago for asking questions. She said she had a lot of questions and did some research on her own and wrote out her questions was Dfd on the spot. She said she was rather shocked. She is married and has a young child and a husband who does not participate in JW activities any longer. She said it sucked losing her family though and it was sad for her little boy too. I remember her parents--they seemed like a nice loving close-knit family, but not any more. Hard to believe that this seemingly nice family could do this to their beautiful daughter and family.

    The unloving attitude of this Organization continues to haunt me. I am so glad to be away from it and be connecting with real people and not the zombie robots that reside in the WT world. Yes, I know, I know, some of them are well meaning nice people, but how can you really describe people who continue to support this religious doctrine of human destruction?


  • Gill

    cyber-sista - That is really terrible, being DF'd on the spot for asking questions!

    In all the years that we have been fading, only on the first year did an Elder turn up with a Memorial invite. Of course we didn't go but still....

    It's the rush to jump to judgment that is incredible with the JWs. They are so afraid of the bOrg and so afraid that someone might just remove the blinkers from their own eyes.

    It reminds me of how my mother ran out of the kitchen and hid in the living room when she thought I was showing her apostate literature!

    Totally Mental!!

  • cyber-sista

    I just recall all the literature stating how the elders call on inactive ones and even Dfd ones every 6 months to see how they are doing and lovingly encourage them to return to the flock. But it's not true. They don't even follow the instructions or even live up to their own faith.

    I think there must be some major paranoia going on in the org nowaday, because it seems like the JWs are keeping distance from anyone who shows any doubts. Like the above story about the young woman being Dfd for asking questions.

    I am glad to have successfully faded, but to be quite honest it still stings a bit to know how little these people really do care about me personally. After all those years of being told how much I was loved by the brotherhood. No, I no longer want their friendships, but it still leaves me stragely twisted up inside. Guess I feel like I've been ripped off. But life goes on and at least I've got mine back now.


  • Gill

    cybs - We're the lucky ones!

    Trying to help a JW escape from the WTBTS is like desperatly reaching out to a drowning man. But, instead of him grabbing your hand he turns away frantically into deeper water to get away from you....

  • garybuss

    Hi Cybs
    The "love" is a teaching, not a practice, just like their "history" is a teaching, not the facts about their history. The idea that elders call on inactive Witness people is a teaching too, not a practice. When I quit associating with the Witness group, it took the first Batman and Robin team of elders 9 years to make first contact with me and then after 9 more years they had still not answered one of my 10 questions I gave them, I called them to see how they were doing on my questions. No answers.

    So the idea that the Witnesses will answer questions (if you have questions), is another teaching only, not a practice. I'm glad my Witness relatives chose to shun and snub me. They reveled their true characters and they are people who are not up to the minimum standards required to associate with me.

    My friend once told me, God gave you relatives so you would appreciate your friends.

    You are a person of character Cybs, because you chose to quit the Witnesses rather than snub your daughter. I applaud you and all like you.

  • moomanchu
    So the idea that the Witnesses will answer questions (if you have questions), is another teaching only, not a practice. I'm glad my Witness relatives chose to shun and snub me. They reveled their true characters and they are people who are not up to the minimum standards required to associate with me.

    I wrote questions down for my mom to answer: since she couldn't answer them she said "she'll find

    out the answers from the elders". Thats been about a half year ago. I think witnesses like to live

    in their little make believe world, it's to scary to live in the real world.

    Haven't seen any dubs for years I don't have any friends from the JW's anymore

    even though my best man in my wedding live about a mile from me.

    I moved a year ago and haven't had any contact from dubs. I am faded and wonder do they forward

    records to new hall or what? I moved about 10 miles from the old hall. Haven't had any door knockers?

  • jw

    Whoh I can not believe you are trying to turn people away from God. Jw's who may be under the influence of mankind , I can understand. So maybe you should rethink how you speak to Jw's.

    I constantly talk to them with scropture and advice that to you.

    You may have the right idea that you may save a person from sin but to attack the Jw congregation to them is attacking God and you will get no where!

  • jw

    Ask the questions to me. And I will do my best to answer them!

  • mahju

    Hi, this is my first time writing on this website. I am very afraid. Of what? I don't know. I know that sounds weird, but you probably understand what I mean by it. Anyway, I was wondering about that young lady that was DF'd on the spot. I was considering asking the elders some questions but now I don't know if I should. My husband is a devout JW and I am no longer going to the meetings. I just want some answers to my questions. Real answers. Not cliches, like "gotta have faith", "Jehovah will reveal that when the time is right", or the "light got brighter". I've sincerely asked my husband these questions and he has said he doesn't want to discuss it because he feels I am trying to subvert his faith. Why can't I question anything? Please just hear out my ramblings. I have nobody in my life that can answer my questions, and I don't want to turn to emotional people on the internet that are pissed off at the religion. I am not pissed, I am confused. Is it true that I can be DF'd for questioning? That would destroy my family.

  • mckay

    "Ask the questions to me. And I will do my best to answer them!"

    OK, I have a question if you don't mind. Of the millions of people on earth who have studied the Bible for years, why would the JWs have the correct understanding of it? Why did all the others go wrong and the JWs find the correct path to accurate knowledge? Others have prayed and tried their best to live as God would like them to and yet they have found a different understand of what God wants than have JWs.

    I asked my fanatical JW wife this question and she has no answer.


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