ABC 20/20 on Molestation

by Amazing 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Amazing

    Tonight on ABC 20/20 starting at 9:00 PM Central time, an actress named Ann Heche discusses with Barbara Walters the effects of being molested as a child. He dad is the perpertrator. A church going man who led the choir, etc. Her so-called perfect family growing up, she said was a lie. Her Mom rejected her when she exposed her dad. All too familiar sound that we hear from JW family after family.

    She eventually, became very religious and thought she was Jesus at times, disconnecting from reality. Yet, she was successful in her acting career, ultimately getting married to Steve Martin. Though she is not a JW, her story is so similar to the frequent reports I see on line and in private email.

    Many a JW can be outwardly very successful, and seemingly nice families. And, many are. Unfortunately, many are not, and the front is a lie. Some become ever more religious, and involved in the organization, getting closer to Jehovah, while other become wild and break all common sense.

    This show really demonstrates how screwed up a person can become with all the denial, disconnection, and extremes in religion. And it is a fore taste of what we will see in the ever winding and twisting world of Jehovah's Witnesses when the NBC Dateline program airs.


  • Princess

    I read an article about her in USA Today yesterday. She is one screwed up wacko. I don't believe she was ever married to Steve Martin though. She claims she was insane during her three year relationship with Ellen Degeneres and came back to her senses after it was over. How convenient.


  • Eyebrow

    Yeah..but she and her family weren't JW>

    She had a sucky life and went crazy...'tis a shame. I saw part of the interview tonight...but you know, what's that have to do with JWs?

  • Amazing

    Hi Eyebrow: The connection to JWs is that the networks are dealing with molestation issues more and more. These types of programs show how molestation harms a person for life, even if they achieve a meausre of success from the view of others. The program showed how the family of Ann Heche put on a front of being the "goody-two-shoe" all-American happy family, but was actually a lie. The show helped us see how the denial kept them from getting help. And it helped us see yet another molestation victim can become ultra religious to compensate for this shameful experience. The entire family was dysfunctional.

    The connection to the JWs is all too obvious: The "front" is that the Watch Tower Society and the JWs put on of being the clean and happy organization with ultra fine and clean religious people living ostensibly successful normal lives, yet having time to go door-to-door to promote their good and wonderful message; all the while a serious issue underneath lurks in nearly every Kingdom Hall in the United States ... a JW molester and his victims. And when JWs, be they victims, family of victims, or Elders with good sense try to get something done about it they find they are facing an organizational family and heirarchy in total denial and extremely dysfunctional.

    My Point in this Post: For those who got to see the show, they will recognize the connection and how this type of program is becoming more and more a fact, and an important aspect of society today ... a foretaste of what the Watch Tower Society will soon face.

    My point was not to make a one-for-one exact comparison, but to simply highlight the fact that there are similarities, and that yet another major news network is engaging in the expose' of how molestation causes serious long-term harm to the victims and relatives. And, as the media begins to point the camera at Jehovahs Witnesses and their Watch Tower Society, it is going to be another ruse awakening - and will allow the audience to see the dark side of a religion that claims to be the clean and pure religion. The denials by the Society and the Elders will be most fascinating to watch - especially as they squirm in their chairs like Gary Condit with Connie Chung, and try to lie to us like Bill Clinton.


  • bboyneko

    Anne heche is a nut. First shes a lesbian and now she straight and married to a guy? She needs to decide her sexual orientation. Also she showed up at some strangers house half-naked and stoned out of her mind days after the split with ellen. She is still insane, in all liklehood. She needs help.


  • Amazing

    Hi Dan: Yes, Ann exhibits serious problematic behavior, all too typical of those who were molested for years as she was. And this is what the Watch Tower and many people fail to understand about the effects of sexual molestation.

    BUT, I am curious about your comment that she needs to determine her sexual orientation? I got the impression from Gay posters that this is not something that a person can choose, control or help, but is they way they are naturally. Can you clarify this?

    Also, many do not recognize that there is yet a third choice or natural tendency besides heterosexuality and homosexuality, and that is bisexuality. If we legitimize homosexuality, then it must follow that Bisexuality is just as legitimate as the other two styles - would you not agree? So, with respect to sexual orientation alone, in what sense is Ann screwed up? - Amazing

  • Moxy

    this is less about networks dealing with molestation and more about networks dealing with wacky celebrities. anyways, as has been pointed out many times, its whatever there's a market for. nothing to do with concern for molestation victims per se.


  • Amazing

    Hi Moxy: I disagree with you. TV has always been about ratings and making money, regardless of the celebrity status of the person being interviewed. The mere fact that they get interviewed makes them a celebrity, even if for only 15 minutes of fame.

    Ann Heche is already a celebrity, but there was a time when the networks would never touch private issues, such as alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual activity or molestation. As our society has evolved, so have the networks in what topic they will deal with.

    So, yes the show was about a celebrity in this case, but my point is what the show "contained" and how this ultra righteous religious family lived a lie - a lie that was finally exposed, and the resulting harm that molestation causes victims. While there are obvious differences between the JW religion and that of Ann Heche, the similarties were all to obvious. - Amazing

  • Hojon

    I think it's funny how angry people get at her about what she does with her private life. I mean, I've heard people say some really hatefull things about her simply because she was in a relationship with Ellen and now married a guy. Who cares? She's probably bisexual, is it not her right to be in a relationship with whomever she wants? Why does it bother you so much?

    It does parallel the JW cases in obvious ways, ultra religious upbringing and hidden abuse are not unique to the JWs. I'm going to try to watch it if I can. It is clear that she was seriously affected by the abuse and probably quite a bit of guilt too, which would explain her mental problems. Hardly anything to hate her over.

    While I'm on it, why is it OK to call someone a freak or weirdo for having mental illness, but most people would not call someone with a physical handicap the same thing?

  • ARoarer

    Although I did not see the show, it seems to me from reading some of the posts here, is that she is being "judged" which is something we have all been programed to do by the judgemental religion we were associated with. Sexual molestation has such far reaching effects upon the conscious and unconsious mind when it is perpetrated on a small child by a family member caregiver, let alone a father on a little daughter. Calling her "whacko" and "nut" is unkind and meanspirited and downright J W like and ignorant. Sexual abuse on a small child when it is ongoing and progressive causes disconnection and disassociation, and they are skills that the child learns early to protect herself from the reality of the horror. Unfortunately this disassociative response continues as the child grows and becomes a "learned" behavior mechanism that comes about under certain circumstances. Often the condition is diagnosed Disassociative Identity Disorder, which is the most extreme of disassociative disorders. An older term for this condition is Multiple personality Disorder or MPD. If Anne Heche was dissociated into an altered state, or sometimes referred to as an alter ego, she may very well have a "part" of her that is very much lesbian, and a talented one in the performing arts. That doesn't mean that she doesn't have other very heterasexual parts in her fragmented personalities. A person with D I D can also have very young child like parts that feel powerless and helpless and also very angrey adolescent parts that are angry and act out feelings triggered by circumstances that are familiar to her abuse. Her break up with her lover may have triggered another part of her personality. I have done a lot of research on this condition and those people who are diagnosed with this condition also can lead very productive lives, and are often very intellegent and talented, and can live good lives on the proper medications to control the dissociative behaviors. Many of us who come into the Organization can take on a psuedo personality that fits into the lifestyle of J W's. It takes time, and often psycholigical help with a good therapist to heal from the emotional aftermath of this cultlike relious community. I decided when I stopped practicing the doctrines and behaviors of that awful religion, I would never judge anyone again. I have seen too much. Just my thoughts everyone. I'm not meaning to judge anyone here but I felt I wanted to throw out another side to what some were saying regarding this girl's mental condition.

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