How embarassing...
by wombat 69 Replies latest jw friends
Sad emo
stilla - are you trying to raise your post count or has your computer got gremlins?
Fleur and MsJones,
No, I"M ALWAYS the last post, the original threadkiller. And Jones, I so know how you feel. And I'm going to keep an eye out for your posts from now on
Actually I'm not really sad...just figured out that not many people here are really interested in my life. But that's ok, I've got people in my real life who seem to like me. So I just try to remember not to post anything about my life here...keeping it light.
I think the point is people read a lot here and dont post. I always read your posts, always think they are interesting and often find myself nodding in agreement. I was determined not to post here because I am a guaranteed thread killer... DAMN
I'm a read-a-lot-don't-post-a-lot-poster, that is a thread killer from WAY back Essie, Josie and goodgirl,sad emo.How was your day? My darling Mum (89) fell out of bed in hospital last week and broke her arm. Gee..I am shitty with the whole world.
This site helps me so much
Hope your Mum is feeling ok, Wombat
If you fail in one or two topics you can start new ones every day and eventually get a feel of what is and what is not popular on this board. Who cares if a topic doesn't find any interest?
I have ended up being the last poster on some some of my post only because I was answering some person's question. I did not want to be considered a snob.