Who will win the lottery to be a post 1935 GB replacement? Think they will stick to caucasian or acquire a bruda' or a mexicano???
I hope it's 1 bruda' and 1 "yo quiero taco bell"?
by What-A-Coincidence 10 Replies latest jw friends
Who will win the lottery to be a post 1935 GB replacement? Think they will stick to caucasian or acquire a bruda' or a mexicano???
I hope it's 1 bruda' and 1 "yo quiero taco bell"?
A sister. Now that would be cool!
If they get a black or a hispanic it will almost purely be a PR move. If anything, they need an Asian.
You are right dune!
as far as languages ... the obvious are taken (english/spanish) ... losch speaks a variety of languages (romanian, and ... )... i believe Splane speaks french. Thats as far as languagnes are covered. GB Backgrounds: no mexicans, no asians... as far as witness populations go at least.
Yes...it would be only a PR move.
How about a blow-up doll? That would make more sense than using real JWs -- They might get a little leaky, but they don't die!
No, I like the chick idea better. She could stroll in wearing a short skirt and a low top. That would give those old coots a jolt. Their pacemakers would be going off left and right!
They tried that ... thus D Sydlik is gone. He had heart trouble, 1 year ago he had a stroke. Thus they removed the pole from the GB table.
The GB has always been whites - don't think it'll change now. They are behind the times in so many ways - why change this one? Besides, don't they require a GB member to be of the annointed? Aren't many of those left (except the few I know that can't make up their minds).
They recently added a black to the GB.
Ken P.
I bet the Crypt Keeper would fit in well with the average age of the GB.