Can an extremely "overweight" JW's man become a JW elder?

by booker-t 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fleur

    You're kidding, right? LOL Most of the elders in my mom's hall are so fat that they keep it like the arctic in the building. All the little old ladies and kids keep getting sick and complaints about the cold fall on deaf ears. They only care that they have to be on the podium in a suit coat.

    I've known far more huge, and I mean HUGE elders than fit, or even moderately overweight ones. We seem to have a lot of 300+ pound pioneers in this state too. Must be eating doughnuts all day while riding around in vans, doing crossword puzzles and looking at the doors from the van and saying "it doesn't look like anyone's home" before driving on to the next location. No, I am not exaggerating.


  • greendawn

    I don't think they are really bothered if someone is obese though they say that eating too much is not a spiritual thing to do.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I can't say I knew any elders who were obese. In fact they were all quite trim and fit looking.

    I had one friend who was obese and the elders were always on her case. She would say it was due to her metabolism but I do recall watching her pack the food away. She wasn't doing herself any favors

    Oops I just remembered one elder who looked pregnant (the best way to describe him). A nasty little fellow that most people avoided.

    And one elder had a wife who was huge. I doubt anyone ever said anything to her and live to tell about it. Also a nasty person.

    The really weird thing is that most of the larger people I know are wonderful (the ex I just left excepted).

    Scully: you sure know how to state the truth

  • Priest73

    my ex-father in law was a lard ass so I'm guessing no.

  • Priest73

    just my two cents...

  • Es

    YES MY DAD!!!!!!!

    which used to make me laugh coz isnt overeating gluttony and isnt gluttony one of the 7 deadly sins??????


  • jwfacts

    It seems to this is a sensitive area and not following according to the book. An overweith person considered greedy or a gluttony is not supposed to be made an elder, in actual fact these are disfellowshipping offences. however I have never known anyone to be disfellowshipped for it, guess it is not politically correct.

    I do know of one brother that was told he would not be made a MS until he lost weight.

    This is one of those cases that the WTS does not follow biblical guidelines very often, yet they have no problem d/f a person for smoking even though there is not direct scriptural reason that they should.

  • limbogirl

    Most of the elder's and many of the pioneers I knew in my dub days were overweight...excessively so. There were a couple of elder's who would sit with an empty chair between them and their excessively overweight wife. I remember one pioneer couple -- husb. was also an elder -- who were so large that they sweated constantly and had a hard time fitting in the chairs. Thankfully we were in a somewhat rural area and they didn't have to worry about too much time out of the car while in the service. Was sad as they were both fairly young -- late twenties.

  • mjs mouse, ben
    mjs mouse, ben

    A little JW humor to get you smiling, no offense to anyone here I hope!.....I once knew a JW elder who was so fat, his shadow had it's own social security number!.......and btw hello booker-t!

  • Dismembered

    There was an "elder" in the congo I attended, that gave new meaning to the cliche "I thought the Titanic sank". He was 300 lbs+. He also had the worst case of ass-breath on the planet. Amazingly enough he had children. Last but not least, he was a classic Watchtower tyrant.


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