Strange Sudden DF'ing/Baptism Nullification ATTN. LURKERS

by unique1 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jwfacts

    Great letter and glad it worked. I asked for an anulment but was refused due to susquent time spent as a pioneer and bethelite. However I tell everyone that i had my baptism annulled so about half the congregation still talk to me.

  • geevee

    Would the dubs who "actually" read thier new rule book realize that the announcement is the same for DA and DF and that this bland statement implies exactly the same weight and response as the old DF announcement?
    That is those who read the book?
    jwfacts......confusion rules. They must wonder how you did that?

  • looking_glass

    I think it is an interesting idea. It may actually work based on each cong and what those guys do.

    You would think is someone did not want to be a JW anymore they would think "fine, one less person to have to watch like a hawk", but instead it is as if you were married and you went to your clueless spouse and said I want a divorce. Come on, just let people go. They will go quietly if they are allowed to go. However, they are just shooting themselves in the foot by acting like @$$es trying to track everyone down that says anything anti-JW.

  • JeffT
    As privileged communication, I ask that this letter and attached document be shared with no one other than the afore mentioned individuals. If news of this letter and attached document are spread among the congregation, I will seek legal council.

    I'm not a lawyer, but this statement may create a bucket of problems for them. The elders claim to be ministers, this creates certain confidentiality obligations on them (for example priests can't be compelled to testify about what's said in confession). If they talk confidential information around the congregation they are breaking that confidentiality.

    A statement like this ought to be included in every DA letter, if nothing else it will give them something to worry about.

  • Inquisitor

    Quick question: is it meant to be "legal counCIL" or "legal counSEL"?

    Don't wanna make a fuss. Just seeking some clarification.


  • unclebruce

    This change is another one that has the mark of direction from the legal department. Apart from power aquisition, arse covering is the biggest game in town (it seems the biggest fear of the keepers of the coin is that of being sued).

  • Stephanus
    This change is another one that has the mark of direction from the legal department. Apart from power aquisition, arse covering is the biggest game in town (it seems the biggest fear of the keepers of the coin is that of being sued).

    Not just being sued (although you're right; the love of money IS their main motivation ), but the newlook lawyer dominated Watchtower seems to be doing their darnedest to keep absolutely everything out of court.

  • James Free
    James Free
    He said they followed what my letter said, they did not announce that I was disfellowshipped or disassociated, but merely that I was no longer a witness.

    Like I said many times before, THIS METHOD DOES NOT WORK. It did not work for you, since that announcement WILL result in shunning. It did not work for you, so you rework the wording? Like the elder said, he just announced you were no longer a Witness because you were no longer baptised!

    THIS METHOD DOES NOT WORK. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON IT. (If there was the remotest chance of there being a loophole like this, the Org. would close it right away)

  • unique1

    According to my dad, an elder, if you state in any letter that you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses this is the same as a disassociation. The old Baptism nullification letter said this. It stated, I do not consider myself a witness nor do I want to become one in the future. The old one also did not include the new announcement of "____ is no longer a witness", the revised one does.

    Yes the elder did say that it was a conscience matter for each individual as to whether to communicate with me or not and there would be no repercussions for their decission.

    Thanks inquisitor. You are correct. I am usually a stickler for proper usage. I slipped up.

    I am going to try and post this again, hopefully it will show up.


    Date: 1-27-06



    __________ Congregation of Jehovah's Witness, and the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society

    To Elders of the ________ Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society legal Department:

    I ______ was forced to be baptized at age ___ as a Jehovah's Witness, because of pressure of congregational Elders, my Parents, and the Jehovah Witness community as a whole for acceptance among them. I had just turned __ and I was not aware nor fully understood the ramification of getting baptized as a Jehovah's Witness. I complied with getting baptized to fit in socially to the Jehovah's Witness community I had been raised in and that my Parents are dedicated to also.

    This is not a letter of disassociation as I feel I was never truly a part of this organization. I feel that at that young of an age NO ONE should be allowed to make that type of decision. My heart was not in it and although I studied the questions enough to answer them, I did not fully comprehend them or what baptism meant. I only did it to please my parents and to fit in. I insist that my baptism is nullified, and my status will be the same within the Jehovah's Witnesses community as having never been baptized.

    The following announcement and ONLY the following announcement (_____ is no longer a publisher) many be announced by Elders in the ____________ Kingdom Hall. If the announcement is made that I am no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I will pursue legal action as stated below, as making this announcement assumes that I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the first place and since my baptism was not valid, I was never truly “one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”. The corporation of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is hereby instructed to amend my membership status in accordance with this statement on any and all records of said "Corporation" and it’s corporate of religious affiliations. The "Corporation" is instructed to file this statement in its permanent records as added proof of compliance.

    This statement is not subject to interpretation or to any internal judicial committee (Star-Chamber) review or AD HOMINEM attracts, as it is my stated belief; I was never actually a baptized member of Jehovah's Witnesses. I will not meet with a Judicial Committee of Jehovah's Witnesses, nor with any of the Elders of Jehovah's Witnesses for any further discussion of my letter or this matter as I feel my statements here are sufficient. If this letter of Baptism Nullification is not honored, I will pursue this matter with my attorney in a lawsuit against the _____ Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. I expect that you will notify me of any decision made via a registered letter.

    _____________________________________ printed name

    _____________________________________ signature

    I, ________________________I notary Public for _______________county

    hereby certify that (writers name inserted here), Declarant signed above in my


    Dated this ____day of _________________2005

    Notary Public for the County of _____________________________

  • James Free
    James Free
    Yes the elder did say that it was a conscience matter for each individual as to whether to communicate with me or not and there would be no repercussions for their decission.

    As your dad, an elder, will tell you, this is simply not true. Anyone who has had an announcement made about them like this is subject to total shunning by the congregation. Since it may stumble others who see it not being followed by some, the elders will enforce it, or the CO will.

    Treating people in this way is not Christian, not what Jesus would do, but it is what the ORG insists on, and they are very strict in enforcing it, ever since Ray Franz left.

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