Free Home Bible Study, NOT!

by VM44 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    "Would you like a free home Bible study?" the JWs ask people at their door.

    The problem is, the study is NOT free, and is NOT a Bible study!

    NOT a Bible study? That's right, the JWs used "Bible study aids" rather than the Bible when they conduct the home study. The Bible is not studied to find out what it teaches, rather, a Watchtower publication is studied instead! The "Truth" book, the "Knowledge" book, the "Draw Closer to God" book and so on, are all substituted for the Bible. What actually takes place during the study is indoctrination of the student in a one on one manner into the teachings unique to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    NOT free? The JWs don't charge to come to the person's home, so how is it not free? In this way, the person who is studied with is EXPECTED to become a Jehovah's Witness! That is the true COST of the so-called "Bible study" which is really an indoctination course to become a witness.

    The reality that the "Free Home Bible Study" is neither "Free", nor a "Bible Study", is something that most Jehovah's Witnesses don't realized themselve!


  • VM44

    To "study" the Bible without using a Watchtower publication is unthinkable to the average Jehovah's Witness!

    At one time there was a rule that a person could only count time for book study if a Watchtower publication was being studied!!!!


  • yaddayadda

    "That's right, the JWs used "Bible study aids" rather than the Bible when they conduct the home study. The Bible is not studied to find out what it teaches, rather, a Watchtower publication is studied instead! The "Truth" book, the "Knowledge" book, the "Draw Closer to God" book and so on, are all substituted for the Bible. "

    LOL. Well I guess this thread just shows that even raving apostates are just as prone to extreme black-and-white fallacious argumentation that they accuse the Society of.

    Name me one Christian religion or group that doesn't use or promote some kind of 'study aid' with the bible.

  • Stephanus
    Name me one Christian religion or group that doesn't use or promote some kind of 'study aid' with the bible.

    Don't get out much, do you? Having been in "Christendom" for decades, I can tell you that Bible studies using "aids" are rarer than those without. A Bible study was usually exactly that: a group would read a bible passage and discuss it, trying to get to the meaning and application.

    So, Yes, the Dubs are unique for this. And it is just another example of their strangeness.

  • Maverick

    If you "studied" with a person for two years with the Bible and that person knew the Bible backwards and forward and you brought that person to the elders and told them this new person wanted to get baptized they would ask which publication you studied in with them. If you told them only the Bible they would not allow that person to get baptized until you proved that they were fully indoctrinated in the sect of this publishing company calling itself a religion. Forget Philip and the Ethiopian, (Acts, 8:27-38).

  • DavidChristopher

    true....that study sounded like it took all of 5 minutes, and see ya later Ethiopian.......

    Be nice if I could figure out what he said to him....imagine that.

    Truly setting people free vs selling slavery disguised as "freedom"?

    free to what? judge and punish others?

    Whatever dude..............

  • Honesty
    LOL. Well I guess this thread just shows that even raving apostates are just as prone to extreme black-and-white fallacious argumentation that they accuse the Society of.

    Name me one Christian religion or group that doesn't use or promote some kind of 'study aid' with the bible.

    Dunno, but tell ya what yaddayadda. Go to church with me this Sunday and see for yourself. Unless you are afraid you might get:

    Truth from God's Word

    To have some meaningful discussions with people who aren't afraid to use their brains

    To wear what you want to without being subjected to loss of 'privileges'

    A trip to the Kingdom Hall Library to visit with 3 elders when you get back from church

  • James Free
    James Free
    If you told them only the Bible they would not allow that person to get baptized

    now that is true.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I was just reading this thread, not intending to reply but I'm wondering if yaddayadda's question is being misunderstood.

    Name me one Christian religion or group that doesn't use or promote some kind of 'study aid' with the bible.

    Do you mean when other groups are 'recruiting' - or established church members meeting together?

    If it's the former, are you thinking along the lines of Alpha, Freedom in Christ, Emmaus etc? The major groups eg Roman Catholics also have their own courses for those wishing to explore the possibility of becoming paid-up members, so you do make a reasonably fair point if this is the case.

    If it's the latter, then a lot of groups don't rely on other publications as Stephanus said, taking a Bible passage and studying it on its own. There are aids available, very useful if you want to study a particular theme or character, but they aren't compulsory.

  • greendawn

    Those are valid points VM the study they do is in fact their way of interpreting the Bible which as we know it is erroneous in many places and they themselves discard many of their doctrines every so often. A study that becomes a JW gets used to that sort of studying and never checks it out against other interpretations.

    They also make you feel obliged for the attention and time they spend on you and expect you to return it by becoming a JW.

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