Another Committee Meeting?

by SickofLies 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • SickofLies

    The elders love me!

    They want to meet with me again, tonight at 8:00pm, no explaination as to why, just that they need to ask me some more questions.They must miss me by now its been almost a week since my last committee meeting with them. What now? I've picked up some interesting bits of information from listening to the audio files and I feel I might know the reason they want to meet with me.

    After answering my questions one elder said "So can you see why the elders here were so concerned about your education, if not for your schooling you wouldn't have these questions"

    "We wont be brining in any witnesses because we don't want to get in arguments over words"

    Now its interesting to note that I didn't bring up the subject of education or say anything about them mentioning it, so obvious they must know about the recordings. They were probably expecting me to be recording the entire session while I was there and that is why they acted the way they did. As many people have pointed out this is NOT the way a judicial committee is normally run. If they know about the recordings and they are monitoring this site it stands to reason that they know I have a laywer and my mom is going to try and press criminal charges agaist them if they DF me. So it makes me wonder what they are up to this time.

    Are they aware from reading posts here that this whole situation was engineered, asking them questions, going into the committe, that everything has been done under the adivse of a laywer and that was are planning a law suit against them? If they are aware of this why are they playing right into my hands? Are they aware of the campign everyone is planning on of sending this stuff to the media?

    How much do you think they know?

    BTW, Randy has posted the files on freeminds

  • kwintestal

    Very interesting. Do you need some company for this?


  • kwintestal

    Just thinking about this ... Did the appeal JC actually say that you wouldn't be DF'd, or that they just needed time to concider it. When I listened to the audio recording, that is what it seemed to me, but I could be way off.


  • SickofLies
    Just thinking about this ... Did the appeal JC actually say that you wouldn't be DF'd,

    They over ruled the other elders, BUT that did not over turn the decision, both committee's MUST agree before the decision is announced. The other committee is probably throwing a shit storm right now over this. They would look like fools if the decision was over turned publicly. However, it might ruin my law suit if it was. I will send you a PM with details.

  • Gregor

    "We wont be brining in any witnesses because we don't want to get in arguments over words"

    It's good to know that they have stopped pickling witnesses.

    Sorry, I don't usually jump on typos but I really like that one.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    your link goes to the wrong Freeminds site:

    correct link is

  • Finally-Free

    Maybe a bunch of us Ontarians should picket the meeting.


  • Midget-Sasquatch


    I didn't hear all of the audio (I've only got dialup and there was significant noise). But if you never plainly admitted that you no longer believed in certain tenets (prime one being that the Society is "spirit directed"), then I'd guess that'll be a key objective for them in this next round. Trying to get you to say, yourself, that essentially you are no longer a believing JW at heart.

  • Smiles

    In the appeal committee recording the elders told you that they were holding the matter in "abeyance" which means that they are waiting for something specific, either more evidence or direction from the C.O. or WT to seal your fate. If you were winking and blowing kisses at the elders of your original judicial committee while they sat there listening to your appeal hearing, then you are probably correct in assuming that the original committee elders are pushing hard for disfellowshiping. I doubt the elders know about your recording the committee hearings and posting on information online, unless some prick has recently turned you in like they did to Richie. When you meet with the appeal committee again, they are probably going to avoid doctrinal questions and your mental health issues and move onto what your attitude is towards the WT organization asking such questions as this:

    "Do you believe God is using Jehovah's Witnesses as his only spirit-directed organization on earth?"

    "Do you identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with the spirit-directed faithful and discreet slave class represented by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society?"

    If you argue with those questions the appeal committee will agree with the original judicial committee and disfellowship you for apostasy, regardless of your mental health issues or desire to ask questions and learn.

  • SickofLies
    If you were winking and blowing kisses at the elders of your original judicial committee while they sat there listening to your appeal hearing, then you are probably correct in assuming that the original committee elders are pushing hard for disfellowshiping.

    Good, I hope its eating them alive that the appeal committee hasn't gone along with their decision!

    Do you believe God is using Jehovah's Witnesses as his only spirit-directed organization on earth?"

    "Do you identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with the spirit-directed faithful and discreet slave class represented by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society?"

    What do you think will happen if I don't answer these questions? I'm bring legal councel with me tonight so I'm prepared for whatever may come.


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