Are the previous "study guides" out of date as to why we need another "truth book"?
Why do we need the bible teach book?
by architect 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Knowledge book was so dumbed down did not bring many in da troof -so new publication brought out
Because when you are a jehovahs witness, "TRUTH" is a sliding scale.....and a moving target.
Because the WTS is a book/magazine publishing company and has to keep those presses rolling.
I remember getting this book at the convention last year and I was so excited to get it because the talk pumped it up about how this was NEW info. and FRESH knowledge! I got the book and flipped through it on the way back to the hotel and I remember feeling disappointed that it was all the same old info. - nothing NEW or FRESH.
Actually, I was told that these books are aimed at programming the student to give the right answers to the 200 or so baptism questions asked of people by the elders just before their baptism.
The Knowledge book had little in it on blood transfusions and the trinity (basically only one paragraph for each). (and only 2 paragraphs to explaini 607/1914)
I did notice that there was no mention of the basic WTS "carrot," everlasting life, in the title of this book.
Also, it had been 10 years since the last basic study book came out.
I've just got back from a holiday (vacation) to find this book has been shoved through my letter box by the Dubs. I'm gonna have a good read of this but what joe public makes of the bizarre illustrations,
Jehovahgod only knows. -
Well, that's a fine welcome home present!
Hope you had a lovely vacation, Clam.
In the US it is against Federal law to put anything in the mailbox.
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Rearrange that question and it should be: "Why do we need a teaching aid book like the "Knowledge" book or the "Paradise" book?
I saw a video on and he was showing all the books needed for each religion. I don't know the names but it's always this Christian denomination xyz with this intro book or "that" intro book, or that book for baptism, etc. Really interesting! I wish more people knew about this site.
I didn't know the WTS thought the Knowledge book was shitty for getting people in the truth. I actually used that book and never finished it! That was when I bailed out of it all and "reached the fill line."