Where can one find a cd copy of the nwt? My nwt I used when I was a jdub accidently caught fire while I was using my grill.
by EAGLE-1 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
LOL.... Sure it was an accident.
The NWT is online at the official site. Otherwise, I'm sure you can snag a copy on eBay...
Thank you.You and blondie are my idols.Love you both.
Oh about the grill.I thought it was a very large piece of charcoal.Thought it was strange that it had a golden edge and some writing on it.Once I poured the lighter fluid on it I realized "oh my that looks like my bible" so I lit the the flood so as to burn it off and next thing I know it was in flames.Kinda hated that because the blank pages made great rolling paper back in the day.So sad....
Dr Jekyll
You can also get it on the 2005 watchtower cd rom... i dont have the download url to hand but someones bound to put it up for you.
I have one you can have for free! Send me a [pm] and let me know where to send it.
Leolaia, good evening
Concerning your avatar. Who is the cutey-patootie????
CD can be found on the WT Library 2005 at www.reexamine.org
Leolaia favors my daughter---so cute