The easiest way to handle shunning is to turn it around. Shun them instead! the trick is shunning them first though. Dubs hate being shunned especially if they have the right to shun you first it takes all the fun out of it for them.
I got DF'D yesterday
by IronClaw 62 Replies latest jw friends
As for the questions about how the wife is taking it. I couldn't really tell you. My wife and I are seperated right now.
None of them had the balls to confront me on the topics I had researched even though they said they would. Chicken shit liers is all they are. NO BACKBONE.
They dismiss any contrary information by sticking the "apostate" label to it. Ugh, Orwellian to the core. Be glad that you're done with this goofy brainwash cult.
Victorian sky
Ironclaw, ((((Hugs)))), we're here for you. Please keep posting, especially when you need to vent. How's your daughter taking this? Hope all is well. Be strong, you're not alone. Love - V Sky
I'm betting those full names won't be here long once the mods in the US wake up LOL. Don't take it personally if they remove them IC, it's just what usually happens.
I'm glad that you feel free. Just be warned of the fallout that will follow. No matter how liberating in the initial hours, there is a long drop that comes when you jump off a high place...and the freefall can be scary once you realise the ground is coming up fast and you're working with no net. But the good news? Once you learn to open your wings, you'll be flying and all those stuck still inside will appear to you as tiny as they really are; like cars from an airplane.
When the fallout hits (hopefully it won't, but if it does) just keep talking your way through it. We'll be here listening.
hugs, and congratulations. These truly are the first days of the rest of your life. Make it great, make it everything you want it to be.
excellent! Happy for ya
Isn't it amazing how IMMEDIATE the relief is once it is over and there is no more hint of worry about being "found out" anymore? You don't ever have to worry about saying the wrong thing to anyone (except your employers) ever again!
I am so glad for you. Hey, if you don't mind, please fire off an email to me listing the names of the individuals, a brief profile of each (in your opinion), the congregation in which they are elders, address and telephone number of the congregation, and each of their addresses and telephone numbers if you have them. Since the Branch claims that these men are ecclesiastics (ministers or clergy), this information (with the exception of cell numbers/fax numbers) is considered public information.
Yeah, we know they speak with a forked tongue about having no clergy/minister class. It is about damned time we start making them quake to lie about it. Either they ARE a clergy and minister "class" or they ARE NOT. The time has come to stop letting them have it both ways, personal privacy AND ecclesiastical privilege. It is time to say goodbye to one or the other.
Any WTS lawyers reading this, I'm sure you see what a pinch you've put your in. In a very short while, young men are going to consder the possibility of appearing in my database very carefully before "reaching out" for the office of your Judge, Jury, and Executioner.
AuldSoul -
Goggleing shows the KH on Brockett road. Does it have a mailbox? I'd love to send them a gift.
Hugs Ironclaw. I hope this provides some closure, so that you can deal with the other things in your life. Let us know how things are going. We're here for you.
Good on ya, mate!
It's like when you spend weeks, days, and finally hours dreading a dental or medical procedure and then... its over! You walk out feeling like a big, heavy bag of sand has been lifted off your back.
Enjoy the fresh air, smell the flowers, feel the warm sun, it's all good. Hope you and the wife can work it out if that's in cards.
Your brother,