April 21 was my birthday and only one person knew or cared (and it was not my mom or dad). It was my daughter. The delights of having a Jehovah's Witness family do not end. I broke my foot this weekend and no one in my immediate family even knows because we are so estranged by their strange religion. Sad, huh? I don't feel angry or sad, just lucky to have my daughter and to be out of that silly, lifeless cult. Happy Birthday to all who have not been wished one this lifetime! You deserve to be celebrated as children of the universe because each life is a wonder and a miracle of evolution! And just because you're you.
My Birthday
by Madame Quixote 11 Replies latest social family
each life is a wonder and a miracle of evolution!
You sound like a Godless pinko fascist commie to me, Leroy get the dogs...
Its still the 21st where I'm at, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Lady Liberty
Dear Madame,
Sorry about your foot! But a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to you!!
Lady Liberty
Well it's still the 21st so I want to wish you a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Sad emo
Happy belated birthday Madame
I hope your daughter made it a happy time for you and I hope your foot mends quickly (((hugs)))
Most of my family don't remember my birthday either - and none of us are JW's It might be different this year though as I'm approaching one of those 'important' zero figures!
Belated birthday wishes to you Madam!
Too bad about the family, but they are the ones still in a cult so neener, neener to them.
My son doesn't remember my birthday but that's how I raised him, so I'm not surprised. I might force him to go to dinner with me this year. LOL
Victorian sky
Happy Birthday, MQ! And many, many more! Love, V-Sky
Happy belated Birthday!!! (sorry about the foot and family.)
HEY happy birthday