I have some friends who are Christians. I have gone to their church a few times. Never once have I heard them or anyone else say they have to attend services. I've never heard anyone wonder if a church official is going to call them to find out if they have been shariung the message of the Bible with others or to make sure they are at the services or to tell them to bring others who might be interested.
My friends find out about special interdenominational conferences and they decide if they want to go -- or not. No pressure is put on them whatsoever.
They certainly don't have to look over their shoulder to see if someone is going to cathc them doing something that might go against their religious beliefs.
They lead good honest moral lives. With no pressure put on them and certainly no fear of God pounded onto their backs.
So why do they go to church? It's simple. They want to. They want to share their faith in God with others. They get together with other people in their church but they also have many friends who are from other faiths or even those like me who haven't got a clue.
They want to.
That's it.
They will talk religion with me if I start the discussion. They totally understand my strong reservations about having anything preached to me. And they respect that. And when I do open the subject they share, not preach. We just sit and talk about various questions. With never any pressure to go to church - theirs or any other.
Isn't that exactly how it should be. If you believe in something you do it and share it. No fear. No shame. No guilt for not doing it.
Simply because you love God and want to express that love.