Twidddling your thumbs on meeting nights? Volunteer!

by jgnat 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jgnat

    The latest issue of "Real Simple" magazine presents a lovely list of ways we can give back to our community. How's this for a quote,

    "In faith and hope the world disagree, But all mankind's concern is charity." - Alexander Pope, "Essay on Man."

    It immediately struck me that the universal concept of "charity" is barely given lip service by the WTBTS. Here's a list of volunteer websites listed in the article:

    Have you taken up any volunteer activity since leaving the society? How do you feel after a few hours of volunteering?

    Anything else you have taken up on meeting nights?

  • cyd0099

    I'm involved with the local non-profit film association. sat on the board for two years and now I'm working our outdoor cinema program and school outreach.

  • ferret

    I'm involved in non-profit housing and Women's Place a home for abused women.

  • Stephanus

    When I first saw the thread title, I thought you were looking for volunteers to go to meetings and twiddle their funds to piss the elders off. My bad!

  • jgnat

    Well, aside from Stephanus's dirty mind, what creative alternatives! It sounds like you found something that suits your personality and your passions.

    Let me guess; it is a lot more fulfilling, too?

  • cyd0099

    It's nice to do something and see tangible results. We are planning to start renovations for a larger two-screen theater later this year and of course providing something that people actually want, a good evening's entertainment.

  • misspeaches

    I've been involved in youth related stuff since my departure from the dubs. Considering my own was so horrible I want to help other kids have a great one! LOL

    Currently we have an event coming up called Beauties and Bogans with live music etc. Its gives teens somewhere to hang out, a bit of fun with dressing up that sort of thing.

    I have been asked to be the Creative Director for this event. Which means getting a team together to help create all the banners and signs and decoration of the hall.

  • jgnat

    Sounds fun, misspeaches, and another great fit.

    Ummmm, I'm going to reveal my age. What's a bogan?

  • ballistic

    I can't say I've done anything like this but the google adds were interesting.

  • jgnat

    Well looky there. At least it beats the "Date a Millionaire" or "Psychic Reading" ads.

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