I was doing a bit of research for the Apostate team that's going to circumcise the top of Russell's pyramid by taking its top off and making off with it. Checking out some maps of the location I fired up Google Earth. For those of you who want to see this do the following
- Make sure you have "Google earth community (unranked)" ticked on the left hand side in the layers section.
- At the top of the left hand side type in "Pittsburgh"
- Once the programs gone to Pittsburgh type in there "Oak Crest Pet Crematory"
- Once at the pet cemetery go just a little NE and you'll see an entry called "Resting Place of Charles Taze Russell"
Clicking on that gives you this info :
Resting Place of Charles Taze Russell
Posted by: Mournblade
Click here for the post
Founder of Zionism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, occult pyramidologist, child molester, womanizer, and all around servant of the New World Order
That pyramid is bigger than we though.
We're gonna need a bigger boat