You all are lost here, you have left "God's" organization and him. You know its the "truth" you are just too lazy to make the effort, but you like it that way, to be worldy. Live as you want to and not how "God" tells you. You are missing out on so much "spiritual food", I feel sorry for you guys. I have "never" felt better in my life until I started the "truth". Do you "have" to have a beard or long hair? Do you have to date "without a Chaperone"? Do you really have to "question" anything from the "FDS"? You should all be ashamed of yourselves for leaving such a God loving organization. By the way did I say I was messing with you?
You Know Its The Truth.
by ScaryHairy 21 Replies latest jw friends
Live as you want to and not how "God" tells you.
Where does God tell us to turn in 10 hours of service a month? Where does God tell us to attend five meetings a week?
You don't live as God tells you, you live as the Society tells you. You do not worship the true God, you worship a man made organization. I feel pity for you.
I was just kidding, I was just showing how rediculous that stupid ******* place is.
Dangit, I was hoping for a good debate with a JW lurker.
thought you'd have something better to do than wind us all up
The words in quotes can be replaced with the Evil Tower (Some call it watchtower.)
scary hairy,
You ruined it! You should have led us along a little more so we could sharpen our weapons against the WT. It would have been a good exercise and so much fun.
I was going to say that approach is the WTS one, they expect their members to follow what the Bible says to be ok towards the org but the org has obligations that it refuses to honour. It's a case of milking cows.
But then you revealed it. -
I feel sorry for you guys.
No need to feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for all the people who believe in something there is no proof of. Blind faith. There are so many contrdictions in the Bible that I can't see how anyone can believe it, but yet, that is thier choice. I am a firm believer of live and let live. So...............if you want to live that life, more power to you. Just leave me out of it.
Oops, I missed that last line you wrote. That will teach me to read till the end. My bad!