Dancing is a nice way to express feelings and let out steam. Do you like dancing, do you know any good dances? Unfortunately I am very awkward at dancing though I tried to learn some Latin a couple of times because I like Latin music.
Dancing stories
by greendawn 26 Replies latest jw friends
I like dancing on russells grave but that pointy thing keeps pokin me in the ass.Used to dance to good ole rockin roll.Would stay out all night.Miss it sometimes.
Being a JW for the first half of my life, of course dancing was considered the devil's work.
I never learned to dance, and 'disco's' were a real no-no too. Because of the Org's influence I grew up extremely suspicious of dancing and it wasn't until many years after I'd left that I went to a nightclub.
I was blown away - I loved it! A few alco-pops to ease the inhibitions and I go with the philosophy of 'always dance as if no one is watching'.
I probably look a complete 'nanna but who cares? The feeling of being one with the music, and with the crowd, is fantastic.
I can't dance for toffee having three left feet, but my son is of a professional standard and has won prizes...go figure!
It's a shame the JWs have a bad opinion for dancing in general because not all dances can be described as immoral even by their own standards. It's a natural cultural expression of all human societies and it helps eliminate inner tension and stress.
I was very fortunate to learn social dancing from a good Ballroom/studio. They had a very reasonable program of group lessons . Very good and confident dancers were found at the Regent Ballroom in Champaign, Illinois-USA. In one year you could cover 3- 12 week sessions of lessons. Each 12 weeks was about $90-100. ( 1990-95 prices) You could take classes like this for 6 years and never repeat yourself. My schedule never allowed this, but I envied the men who were at that level after , 4 to 6 years of classes and public dances every Friday night. The quickstep- now that is a dance to aim for, gents and ladies. You fly around the floor so fast that you must do a pivot or spin turn at each corner to break your momentum and change directions.
I also recommend a nightclub dance we called the two-step. It is danced to music like "Lady in Red"- you will have people looking at you in awe , if you and your partner can do this dance- it's for nightclub dancing.
I was a JW during the Disco era and I missed out on a lot of fun- it's not to late for some of you to find your groove!
Dancing is a lot of fun and great exercise!!! I also took ballroom dancing and my favorite was the Tango!!!!! I would love to go to Argentina, as that's the Tango capitol of the world! Too bad I have back problems and had to give it up....
Black Sheep
It took years of nagging to get me to go to a dance lesson.
We were offered free ballroom and Latin beginner lessons and I finally capitulated and went.
It was great, we kept it up for a long time. We really enjoyed it and both lost a lot of weight in the process.
I also took up Rock & Roll with my daughter. We went for so long that it started to get boring, so I started learning the ladies part and she the mans. That caused many a laugh when the tutor called "Everyone change partners!!!", and we tried to swap roles, niether of us really knowing what to do in the other role. On the odd occasion when I did stay a 'Lady', some of the guys were absolutely hopeless leads.
I have danced with huge ladies that are as light as a feather and featherweight ladies that you have to push around like a sack of potatoes.
It is a lot of fun, but we have had to give it up as my wife has a joint problem that gives her pain on the dance floor. I would love to get back into it again and I am sure she would too.
Black Sheep
Too bad I have back problems and had to give it up
The Tango did that for me too.
I have had back problems on and off for years. I started going to the gym and the tutor gave ab exercises on the Swiss Ball and (heaven forbid) Dead Lifts for my back. I thought he was a nut job but went along with it, taking it easy at first. My back came right and stays right as long as I keep up those exercises. I am sure that Tango wouldn't cause me a problem now.
Sad emo
I couldn't dance to save my life although I feel within that there's part of me that would like to dance.
I think with me it's excessive self-consciousness plus a lack of confidence so maybe I could learn to dance if I got over that.
*sigh* gotta learn to walk tall first.
white men cant dance