Is It Really a Scholarly Translation?
(Excerps taken from)
To this question the Watchtower has led its followers to believe that although the backgrounds of its translators are not made known, the translation will stand on its own. It does not.
***The WTS translation committee is guilty of inventing non-existent Greek grammar (and then follows these made up rules only when necessary to support the theology of the Watchtower) and inserting words into Scripture that change the meaning of God's Word.
The 1985 edition of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures states for its readers the guidelines and goals endorsed by the translation committee. The Society claims that, "We offer no paraphrase of Scripture. Our endeavor throughout has been to as literal a translation as possible where the modern English idiom allows for it or where the thought content is not hidden due to awkwardness in the literal rendition" and that" To each major word we have assigned one meaning and have held to that meaning as far as context permitted" (pp. 9-10, 1985 ed.; pg. 10, 1969 ed.).
However, based on these claims for its translation of the Bible, the committee has failed miserably.
We then see a list of cited scriptures (in the article) that the WTS "bible scholars" have tampered with....and that Phil 2:9 comes under scrutiny...
"An examination of Colossians 1:16, 17 and Philippians 2:9 demonstrates through the addition of words that the committee has not presented "as literal a translation as possible. "
***In both verses cited one finds the word "other" added. (Christ created all "other" things, meaning he is also a creature, a created being.) Thus we find divine attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ removed, namely that He is the creator of all things and that He possesses the name that is above every name.
Finally, they said, "To each major word we have assigned one meaning and have held to that meaning as far as context permitted," fairs no better than the previous statements. The translation committee has again let their theological bias bend their rules for translating.
So basically...HOW are the JWs....who depend on this messed up, screwed with, and bastardized and extremely biased understand ANYTHING related to the Christ ...AS THE ORIGINAL BIBLE WRITERS INTENDED????
The FACT they they are purposely and deliberately TAUGHT things BY the WTS---that were WRONG when they were written and the WTS KNEW IT....and yet they will loudly defend these flaws, faults and errors as they boldly claim to have THE ONLY "food from God" through these obvious phony "spiritual leaders" that lead them.
This "food from God" is obviously tainted and has caused the pitiable JWs to be spiritually sick. We can't blame the JWs, the ones who come here to defend what the WTS says and does... for not having the proper understanding of much of anything, including Phil 2:9-10, if they are reading the NWT....but there it is. For those of us who have turned to true Christanity....we have no choice but to feel sorry for these JWs who are still being successfully duped and are quite trapped in this cult.
Their "leg to stand on" has long ago turned to dust.