This is a letter I recently sent to my JW kids. I thought the facts interesting:
...Are you keeping up with the Average?
For the United States Only:
From the new Year Book -- Baptisms......................28,384
From the new Year Book Hours of Service........184,834,994
Amount of Service per Baptism................................ 6,512
So regular Pioneers with 840 hrs per year you should initiate one baptism every 7.8 years to attain the average.
Or in terms of money at only $15 per hour at 6,512 hours we have a total of $97,680 going towards bringing someone to the point of baptism. Never mind the fact that only about 80% of baptisms are retained for over one year which could bring the total hours spent on one retained member to 8,140 and 9.7 years of pioneer time with a total money value of $122,100.
Treat those newbies kindly, they are expensive.
Aren't caculators fun?
[What a terrible waste of time]
Interesting Numbers
by mckay 11 Replies latest jw friends
You could get rid of all pioneers, publishers and eliminate all hours of service althgether and you would still have the current growth rate. They are merely breding them.
Lady Liberty
Very Interesting, thank you for the post.
Lady Liberty
White Waves
So true, Zeroday!! When a person is in want of God, they will search him out. JWs practice interrupting people's lives (door 2 door, etc.) and hoping to get you on a really shitty day or crisis and suddenly be best friends sent by God by a miracle. What miracle?? Honestly, I don't know many JWs that even want to actually study with someone. It is just another thing the feel guilty about. I mean, already 4 days are shot each week goint to mtgs and service... do I need to add another?? One of my sisters and her husband are a "Pioneer Couple" and they have never in 10 years of pioneering and studying with people got anyone to the point of baptism (yeah!). What a depressing, wasted effort AND they believe!!
Enjoyed your post McKay.
Welcome to the board!
So many numbers, so much money and hours to bring someone to the JW's.....
If only there was a bit of honest love, they would get them faster and keep them longer.....
White Waves
Yes, JH! Love, not fear and threats.
Don't forget that around 90% of all baptisms are children of witnesses. You don't need to go from door to door to talk to your kids. So, you can actually multiply their efficiency (inefficiency) numbers by a factor of ten.
RunningMan: "Don't forget that around 90% of all baptisms are children of witnesses. You don't need to go from door to door to talk to your kids. So, you can actually multiply their efficiency (inefficiency) numbers by a factor of ten."
mckay: So the $122,00 figure per baptism jumps to 1.2 million dollars. I actually do believe that, my wife has pioneered here in a small town for eleven years and has yet to bring someone to the point of baptism. I know many of her JW associates and the story is the same, which is actually good news.
So, if they stayed at home and read bible stories to their children, they'd have a much higher success rate.