According to my simplistic reasonings those thieves owe us money!!!

by Cabin in the woods 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Ok, here goes... Isn't it true that since they have changed the terms of the baptism wording (back in the mid 70s ) it is their view that we are a part of their organization therefore they have the right to control our life and hold our standing over our heads. Well, if I am a part of something does that not mean that I own a bit of it?? Like my stock acct, right? Bear with me. I helped sell those damn magazines, ok, not very well but that is irrelavent here and I contributed for those stale 'loaves' at the conventions and soured pudding, and furthermore I followed their damned advice and parked, sllept and ate where the basterds told me to so that my 'mother' would benefit from the kick backs... well, I am leaving now and I need my share of the monies. That would be one into however much they have world wide...n ot just in the US as funds have been transferred through other countries.

    If a few thousand of us got together and pursued this would there be any chance. Yes, the contributions were from the heart but the kick backs were fraudulent as far as I am concerned.


  • juni

    Attorney's fees would eat up any monies.

    Just be happy you're out and go on w/your life.

    Win some; lose some.


  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    What about a class action suit with lets say ... a few thousand people. I know that I would be in a better position to take a bit of that money and contribute to 'shunned father' and his case. Once we got things rolling it would morph into something that those village idiots could never quell.


  • blondie

    CITW, you'd be better off donating some money to charities that help children.

  • Mary

    Well, I am leaving now and I need my share of the monies.

    You wouldn't want to hang from the end of a rope waiting for this to happen.

  • anewme

    Mary, what is your new avatar by the way?
    I cant make it out even with my magnifying glass.
    It looks like a long hair chihuahua smoking or something. Is it?
    I love chihuahuas, but dont approve of them smoking. Thats just wrong.

    Oh and about the contributions, I hope you paid with a check so the donations can be verified.
    To be truthful, I never gave them a dime in 35 years!
    I gave individuals money but never the society.
    Too many I knew were leaving large sums in their wills to the society.
    I knew JW individuals who needed money so badly. I gave alot to them.
    Im still glad of that.

  • anewme

    Oh Im sorry Mary, I just saw your other post about trying to get your new avatar up and running and now I see a larger picture.
    It looks like its either Yoda having a bad hair day ...or a beaver?
    I dont think Ive ever seen a beaver up close before!
    Is this a shot out your back window up there in them thar hills?

    And yes, those dirty scoundrels do owe us something, not sure what it is though. Maybe an apology.

  • Mary
    I just saw your other post about trying to get your new avatar up and running and now I see a larger picture. It looks like its either Yoda having a bad hair day ...or a beaver?

    Um, anewme, I think you're probably thinking of cabin in the woods, not least I hope you're not talking about me.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    It looks like its either Yoda having a bad hair day ...or a beaver?

    Um, anewme, I think you're probably thinking of cabin in the woods, not least I hope you're not talking about me.

    Was mary showing off a beaver pic?!?!



  • anewme

    OMG!!!! Not you Mary!!!!!
    Cab's name is also Mary!!!!!!!
    I guess she's going with Cab now.
    How funny and dreadful that you thought I might be referring to your avatar!!!

    Oh, no, your avatar is lovely hon.
    (Sorry, my attempt at humor with Cab was a total wash)(We've pmd each other quite a bit and are friends)
    (Think I'll stick to sincere comments and just greeting newbies)


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