Two nights ago I got fed up and decided to e-mail my mother with some concerns. Here's the letter I sent: It was nice to see you as well Mother, and I love you too! I like your car, please be safe when you drive it. I've got a copy of the outline for the current Special Talk given to all congregations after the Memorial; something in it is bugging me, I'll include an excerpt....... DEMONSTRATE YOUR LOVE FOR JEHOVAH’S WAY OF RULING (12 min.) We are involved in the issue of sovereignty (Job 2:3-5; cl 124; it-1 1210) Jehovah wants us to serve him willingly, out of love (De 10:12-21; 30:6, 15-20; Isa 1:18-20; bh 113-14) He gives each of us freedom to demonstrate that we prefer his sovereignty and that we allow him to govern our lives Recognize the authority given to Jesus, and submit to it (be 276) Christ has a legitimate right to our obedience (Ge 49:10; Mt 28:18) No one else has been granted that right (Jer 10:23; Ac 4:12) This affects our everyday activities, decisions, and goals Our obedience to Christ’s commands shows that we appreciate and respect Jehovah’s sovereignty (wt 58-9) When we do what is right, Jehovah’s heart rejoices (Pr 27:11; w03 4/15 14-15) Jehovah blesses those who love his sovereignty (w94 11/1 7) In summary, we have seen that Jehovah has the right to control what is happening on this earth and to direct our personal lives He exercises such prerogative in love Because of the first rebellion, Jehovah has allowed Satan and humans to be independent of His rule However, he has not relinquished his right to control matters He has exercised that right in harmony with his purpose By means of the Messianic Kingdom, God will soon reestablish full control of human affairs Eventually, all those living will acknowledge Jehovah’s right to rule (Ps 83:17, 18; Eze 38:23) (Additional source material can be found in Insight, Vol. 2, pp. 159-70, 1008-12, and Bible Teach, pp. 8-17, 27-36, 106-14) (Adhere closely to the outlined material, and observe the indicated timing of each section. Not all cited texts need be read or commented on. No. l64-E—page 2 TO BE COVERED IN 45 MINUTES My question is this, what happens when obedience to Christ violates obedience to official Watchtower teaching? Who is a Christian supposed to follow then? A prime example is the Watchtower teaching about the date of Jeruselum's destruction, 607 B.C.E. A pivotal date from which 1914 is drawn. Secular history does not support this date; credible historians place the destruction of Jeruselum around 536 B.C.E. The Society actually used to teach that the destruction took place in 606, then they changed it to 607. If we are to worship God in spirit and truth, how can we believe teachings that aren't true? When loyalty to Jesus' words violates loyalty to the Organization who are we to follow? These are the questions that consume me. It's not just the teaching of 607, there are many other teachings that don't hold up. Some of these have been changed under the guise of "new light." Things like prohibitions against vaccines and organ transplants, which lead to the deaths of thousands of loyal JW's. A teaching that a man who committed bestiality could not be divorced by his wife; there where actually women who divorced their husbands for such acts, and whom were disfellowshipped for it (the wives that is). Why is it that Jesus is not the mediator for the great crowd? Jesus told us "Let no man come to the Father except through me." Yet the Society teaches that the Great Crowd must first go through them to reach Jesus. Does this not violate the very word of Christ? These are the questions that burn in my mind. The real problem is this: I can't go to an elder and ask these questions. If I did, I would be disfellowshipped for apostasy. If you don't believe me, I have over 2 hours of a recorded judicial/appeal committee meeting where a young man was disfellowshipped for just that, asking an elder for proof on the 607 issue. I can no longer be silent about these concerns. I've only scratched the surface with these questions, the rabbit hole is much deeper. The more research and meditating I do on the subject, the more I come to realize that the Society is leading us down a false path, away from God. I do not make that claim lightly, there is much evidence to back it up. Unfortunately, inside the Organization there is NO room for dissent. The organization is made up of imperfect men, yet they act as if they are infallible; able to look inside the heart of another man and disern it's spiritual condition. Inside the organization we judge each other's spirituality based upon adherance to Society statistics. A man who only turns in 2 hours a month is not as spiritual as a man who turns in 12. What does it say about an organization which allows no dissent, that casts out members who choose to disagree with it's leaders upon organizational procedures? I'm not righting this letter to break your heart, rather I hope to open a dialogue to get to the root of the matter. I cannot follow the teachings of men blindly any longer. Inside the "truth" we seem to have a policy of unconditional love with conditions. I wonder what you will do with these concerns I express? I love you Mom. Last night she e-mailed me back to request my mailing address so that my dad could send me a letter. That's all she said. I honestly thought she would try to respond herself, I guess I should have known better. The JW brainwashing never ceases to amaze.
Letter to my Mom.
by jeeprube 23 Replies latest jw experiences
good letter to your mom..
i wonder what your dad is going to write you ?
you must be nervous.. hang in there.. hugs
Those were really good questions to your mom. Hopefully you have planted a small seed and maybe if not now, sometime down the road, your mom will remember what you said and get the point. Good luck to you!
That is an excellent letter. I am sure it felt cleansing to write it. I hope they aren't as crazy as my parents. I have discovered there is no REASONING with them but not ALL JW's are like that. Best wishes, I hope you were able to plant some seeds of doubt.
Double Edge
Great letter.... be proud of yourself. You ask legitimate questions, the gist which is "I agree with the comment that we must follow Jesus. There are many things happening that indicate that we are not following his commandments. We are responsible for our own salvation and will be held accountable. At what point do we break off from following the opinions of men rather than Christ?"
I've never been a dub. I just don't understand how they can be upset with someone who really wants to please God and wants to move forward with their life. Their judgemental nonsense just validates the old saying "Misery Loves Company".
BlackSwan of Memphis
Wow, awesome letter.
The best thing is: It just came from your heart. It asked soul searching questions that many times are afraid to be asked.
I really, really liked it.
Very well done. Your letter highlights the basic flaw of JW (circular) reasoning: 'you must use only our publications to investigate whether this is the truth' and 'we are the FDS and as such, our authority cannot be questioned.'
I hope your letter makes your mother think, just a little.
Good letter best wishes with your mom
Inside the "truth" we seem to have a policy of unconditional love with conditions.
I like this statement too true!!!!
Conditions made by people we don't even know.
Once someone has changed your messy diaper you can never be their teacher. At least that's been my personal experience.
Lady Liberty
Dear Jeeprube,
I think you really did a great job on your letter! Wether your parents agree or not (most likely they won't) you still gave them ALOT to think about!! And maybe, hopefully, they will allow you to share your findings. Just remember though, it may take a long time for them to even allow you to talk with them about anything. It took me personally about two years before I would even look at anything my parents were trying to show me. They trained me TOO well! Just don't give up, and try not to get discouraged. You never know what may open up their heart. I suggest sticking with the 607 issue though. That is the biggest thing, because without that, everything else crumbles!
Lady Liberty